Bug fixes
- dashboard: Add ellipsis on brand overflow + k formatter on accuracy (39e5740)
- dashboard: Only use k transform pipe for accuracy display (0ed640e)
- dashboard: Remove decimals of number of 100 (8d95726)
- input: remove ios border-radius (7ec7905)
- input: Use ion input instead of input to manage the keyboard. (71ae677)
- login: catch exception when the api-key is not longer valid (3e62315)
- login: email keyboard for login (67cc41b)
- login: Send login end signal on app resume (c9d7c43)
- measure: Changes the high five paths (89fa813)
- measure: desable measure button when pressed (0dbb1ac)
- watch: adapt path to ios architecture (32e0430)
- watch: add spinner to watch page while querying remote server (cebdd82)
- watch: change orchestration of calls to please change detection (2191edd)
- watch: check if watchpage is invoked to modify or add a new watch and act accordingly (2294afc)
- login: Display "loggin-in" popup when atempting to log via stored API key (acd26e6)