MoistBot is a Discord Bot run on a discord server called Shaymin's Meadow. The bot was inspired by SysBot.NET and its capabilities, and the popularity of Pokémon giveaways and "seed checks."
This bot was ran between April 2020 - August 2020. Here are some interesting statistics.
- 52,727 Trade Searches were abandoned (no match after 2 minutes), 24,919 Successful, 1,396 matches were abandoned (no offered poke), 464 matches violated the rules
was the most popularCommunity
category (298 wins),Battle
the most popularItems
category (597 wins),0Atk0SpeQuiet
the most popularDitto
category (107 wins)- Served 1091 unique users
- 4 most offered Pokemon: Wooloo (2308), Ditto (2234), Eevee (987), Scorbunny (979)
- Most frequent users: 🥇Coote (1107), 🥈Dylan(1088), 🥉Zack(979), NukeDoctor (964) (next highest had only 607!!)
- Most trades per day, per user: 🥇Dylan(170 trades, 2020-05-18), 🥈Coote(166 trades, 2020-06-29), 🥉Dylan(135 trades, 2020-05-19)
- Run on an Amazon EC2 instance, with three instances of
targeting three CFW Nintendo Switch consoles in my house - Written in Python, with linux commands to aid deployment
- Web-app written in Express (not released), hosted on the same EC2 instance (LINK)
- Firebase realtime database was used snapshot at 08-14-2020 3:36PM PST
- Scalable design,
handles giveaway voting and all Discord activites,GiveawayClient
handles the delivering of Pokémon and Seed Checks to the end user
- A firebase realtime database is required, and arguments required to connect it must be supplied via environment variables.
- To run a "giveaway client" (a Nintendo Switch):
python <Alias (anything> <IP Address> <port>
- To run a "discord client" (a Discord Bot):
(various elements are hardcoded, needs to be modified)
- ShinySylveon04 and Abyzab for helping me with basically everything
- fishguy6564 for helping me decipher lanturn bot, and for providing permission to "borrow" his and, which were copied verbatim, with minor modifications to
- olliz0r for providing the community with sys-botbase
- kwsch for providing the community with PKHeX and SysBot.NET, from which I took some inspiration for PK8 data structure and answering some of my qustions
- The team at MoreBreedingDittos for being amazing people