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Ionic App Clima com Open Weather


version Idioma status License

| IONIC | @ionic/angular version

Please, give a ⭐ to the repo. It really motivates me to share more open source code.

Características deste projeto

Side Menu, Segments, Services, API Requests, Loading, Custom Layout, Gradient Color

Get Started

This project was generated with IONIC version 5.0.5 and NodeJS version 12.16.1 LTS.

Para rodar este projeto é necessário

Clonar o repositório

$ git clone

Entrar na pasta do projeto

$ cd clima

Reinstalar as dependências

$ npm install

Rodar localmente no navegador

$ ionic serve

Criar uma conta e solicitar chave de API na Open Weather

No arquivo apiweather.service.ts inclua a sua chave/key da Api

const key = 'YOUR_API_KEY';


Se não tiver o Ionic instalado

Below follows the example to use this code to build an app.

How to use this template

With the Ionic CLI:

Use command below:

$ sudo npm install -g ionic cordova

Then, to run it, cd into sports and run:

$ ionic cordova platform add ios
$ ionic cordova run ios

Run ionic serve for a local dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:8100/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

$ ionic serve


Gerar componentes, pipes, services, etc.


ionic generate component `component-name` to generate a new component

You can also try anything else:

ionic generate `directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module`

Substitute ios for android if you are not on a Mac system.

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  • And also don't forget to star ⭐ this repo, it's FREE. 🙃