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Setup Log Viewer

Daniel Tischner edited this page Oct 13, 2021 · 1 revision


The logviewer module is a Spring + Vaadin Web-Application in which one can see the logs written by the applications in real-time.

logviewer example

In the following, we explain how to set the website up and how to host it.


  1. First you need a Discord application, you can use the same also used for the main application. See Create Discord server and bot for details on how to create one.
  2. Open the Applications Section from Discord
  3. Open your Application
  4. Open the OAuth2 Tab
  5. Add a Redirect Link, e.g. https://localhost:443/login/oauth2/code/github
  6. Save your changes
  7. Create a config.json file in the directory of the logviewer module TJ-Bot/logviewer/config.json. Alternatively you can place it wherever you want and provide the path to the file as a start-argument. The content of the file should be like this (fill in the Discord data):
  "clientName": "<DISCORD_APPNAME>",
  "clientId": "<DISCORD_OAUTH2_CLIENTID>",
  "clientSecret": "<DISCORD_OAUTH2_SECRET>",
  "rootUserName": "<YOUR_DISCORD_USERNAME>",
  "rootDiscordID": "<YOUR_DISCORD_ID>",
  "logPath": "application/logs",
  "databasePath": "logviewer/db/db.db",
  "redirectPath": "https://localhost:443/login/oauth2/code/github"

Explanation for the parameters

  • clientName is the name of your Discord Application
  • clientId is the clientId you can copy in the OAuth2 Tab from Discord
  • clientSecret is the secret you can copy in the OAuth2 Tab
  • rootUserName is your own Discord username
  • rootDiscordID is your own Discord ID, enable Developer Mode in your Discord App and right-click on one of your own posts
  • logPath is the path to the logs from the Bot, not for this application
  • databasePath is the path where the database for this Web-Application should be saved
  • redirectPath is the URL you used in the Discord OAuth2 Settings
  1. You are done, start the application. Open your browser on https://localhost:443 and accept the Authorization.

your application OAuth2 Tab redirect URL save changes accept authorization

Quick overview

On the left side you can see three views.

  • Logs displays the actual logfiles as they are in the configured directories.
  • Streamed displays the log-events as the main application sends them to the web application.
  • User-Management enables adding or removing users who can access this website and editing their roles (right click the panel).

side panel user management

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