Process Oriented Programming (1DT049) Spring 2014
Department of Information Technology
Uppsala university
GEESE (Generic Erlang Server)
Use 'git clone' to get the latest version of the project.
The server was developed and tested using Erlang R15B01 and Erlagn R16B
The client was developed and tested using Java 6
Using the make utility you can perform the following actions:
make client ==> Runs the client jar file
make server ==> Compiles and runs the server
make geese_compile ==> Compiles the Erlang source files if necessary.
make archive ==> Creates a gziped tar archive of this directory.
make clean ==> Removes all beam files and html files generated by Edoc and Javadoc.
make doc ==> Generates Edoc and Javadoc documentation in the doc/html directory.
make test ==> Runs all tests.
To compile the project, simply type make and press enter.
To run the server type 'make server' when standing in the root directory of the project.
When prompted type 'geese_sup:start_link()' to set up the server.
To run the client type 'make client' when standing in the root directory of the project.
To connect to a local server press connect to ip and choose the ip "" and the port numer you choose when setting up the server.