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Todd Thomson edited this page Oct 26, 2016 · 10 revisions


A Typescript minifier supporting bundling of Typescript ES6 external modules into single file javascript components. TsProject provides cache optimized, incremental project builds and supports Typescript 2.0

Why TsProject?

Today's javascript developers need the ability to package and organize production code using modules (AMD, Common JS for ES5). Developers using Typescript, who want to use ES6 features transpiled to ES5 are faced with a problem - each external module is compiled to an individual javascript file.

TsProject solves this problem by supporting bundling of Typescript external modules at compilation time.

How does TsProject Bundling Work?

TsProject uses the Typescript tsconfig.json project configuration file to add a "bundles" property. The "bundles" property may contain a list of named bundles. Each bundle provides a list source files and may optionally specify bundle configuration settings.

The Typescript source file and its dependencies are packaged as a single Typescript file and output with the bundle name. The Typescript bundle is compiled to a single js javascript file and a single d.ts declaration file.