You have a multi-monitor-windows-setup? 🖥️💻🖥️ Turning off some monitors while watching a movie on one screen is not cool enough? Then this UWP App is the right one for you! It displays pure black (or any other color) at full screen! (yes, it does not do more)
start it, do right click for color-choosing and left-click to toggle full screen.
- Sideloading the releasae from github. you must import the given certificate in your root store for that.
- Use the Microsoft Store
TBH, not good. This is pure-fun project and after MS let the UWP dying ☠️, I have little to no interest in continuing this work. besides that, disabling a screen by hardware buttons saves more power. 🌲 Besides that, the app is working perfectly fine and makes fun. If you have any comments, feel free to open an issue.
Back then I had a Surface Book and two external displays. Whenever I disable them, windows got totally confused and it was a mess.