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Hearty Brunch

Hearty Brunch is a skeleton used for templating projects.


What makes Hearty Brunch hearty?

Version 0.0.2 comes with Bower, Stylus, Jade, Twitter Bootstrap, FontAwesome, jQuery, Modernizr, IE polyfills and a bunch of helpful mixins!

Getting started

  • Install (if you don't have them):
    • Node.js: brew install node on OS X
    • Brunch: npm install -g brunch
    • Bower: npm install -g bower
    • Install Dependencies: npm start.
  • Run:
    • brunch new [appname] — Create a new app with the skeleton
    • cd [appname] && brunch watch --server — watches the project with continuous rebuild. This will also launch HTTP server.
    • brunch build --production — builds minified project for production
  • Deploy:
    • include aws.json in the root folder
       "accessKeyId": "***",
       "secretAccessKey": "***",
       "region": "us-east-1",
       "bucketName": "hearty-brunch-demo"
    • grunt deploy-demo

Using Bower:

Bower downloads and manages vendor files. Call for any package with bower install --save <package>. Brunch will look for the file to be include within the main property within each package's bower.json.

If the package does not include point to correct main files, you can override it in the root folder's bower.json.

Note: Only Stylesheets and Javascripts will be automatically included. You have to manually copy the fonts into the assets's folder. More info: StackOverflow

If you cannot find the available package you need in bower, include the libraries manually in the vendor scripts or styles folder respectively.

What's next

  • Include respond.js for IE8 and below
  • Keep comments on compiled stylesheets


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