Symbols and footprints created to support TinyTapeout boards and extensions
The purpose of this repository is to serve as a single common location for kicad components that are use in multiple places throughout the TinyTapeout PCB ecosystem (e.g. the demo boards).
If you are creating a project and would like to include the symbols and footprints, from within an
from within an initialized git repo run:
git submodule add
in kicad, use "Manage Symbol Libraries..." and "Manage Footprint Libraries..." to add project specific libraries
Ideally, that second step should use a relative/variable substitution path so that it will be portable to other systems, for example:
For projects that use the library, clone the repo using the --recurse-submodules flag, e.g.
git clone --recurse-submodules
If you've already cloned a repository without using the flag, wind up with an empty stub (a directory without any contents) and would like to pull the contents to your local system, run
git submodule update --init --recursive
from within the project's top level directory.