One for the ages Trivia Game What the project does
"This is a trivia game built using Javascript, bootstrap, css, html and jquery. It's main focus is one timers, the timer portion was the most confusing to wget operating but as you can see everything is running smoothly now"
Why the project is useful
"Just a fun fast food trivia game, it helped me learn how to use 'this', use objects, practice timers, and creating methods"
How users can get started with the project
"All you have to do is press start to begin!, once you begin the question will be displayed along with four answers. Choose the correct answer and you gain a point, choose the wrong and the answer will be displayed"
Where users can get help with your project
"You can contact me on github follow me and then message me"
Who maintains and contributes to the project
"My name is Timothy Westberg i am a Junior web developer currently attend a bootcamp"