Mirror from sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/p/cotovia/code/ci/master/tree/
* Requirements (Debian package name given in brackets)
- GCC (gcc, g++)
- GNU Bison (bison)
- GNU Flex (flex)
- Alsa audio (libasound2, libasound2-dev)
- Expat (libexpat1, libexpat1-dev)
- help2man (help2man)
- devscripts package and its dependencies in order to build Debian packages (devscripts)
~/compartido$ mkdir COTOVIA
~/compartido$ cd COTOVIA/
~/compartido/COTOVIA$ git clone ssh://[email protected]/p/cotovia/code cotovia-code
Cloning into cotovia-code...
remote: Counting objects: 347, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (277/277), done.
remote: Total 347 (delta 71), reused 324 (delta 61)
Receiving objects: 100% (347/347), 148.90 MiB | 1.74 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (71/71), done.
~/compartido/COTOVIA$ cd cotovia-code/
~/compartido/COTOVIA/cotovia-code$ ls
data src
~/compartido/COTOVIA/cotovia-code$ cd src
~/compartido/COTOVIA/cotovia-code/src$ ls
AUTHORS.txt COPYRIGHT_and_LICENSE.txt cotovia debian Makefile proyectos README
~/compartido/COTOVIA/cotovia-code/src$ make
~/compartido/COTOVIA/cotovia-code/src$ ls ../bin64
cotovia cotovia-ecess-m1
The main binary is cotovia. At this time the input to Cotovia must be in ISO format, therefore format conversion is needed for reading UTF8 files. For instance:
~/compartido/COTOVIA/cotovia-code/src$ echo "Este é un exemplo." | iconv -c -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1 | ../bin64/cotovia -s -V iago -l gl
~/compartido/COTOVIA/cotovia-code/src$ ../bin64/cotovia -i iso_file.txt -s -V iago -l gl
You should add cotovia to your PATH variable. When you run cotovia with no or wrong options, some help information appears on the screen with some simple examples at the end.
~/compartido/COTOVIA/cotovia-code/src$ make debian-packages
~/compartido/COTOVIA/cotovia-code/src$ ls ../.
~/compartido/COTOVIA/cotovia-code/src$ ls ../*.deb
../cotovia_0.5_amd64.deb ../cotovia-ecess-m1_0.5_amd64.deb
~/compartido/COTOVIA/cotovia-code/src$ ~/compartido/COTOVIA/cotovia-code/src$ ls ../data/*.deb
../data/cotovia-lang-es_0.5_all.deb ../data/cotovia-voice-iago_0.5_all.deb
In order to run Cotovia, you will need to install the following packages:
../cotovia_0.5_amd64.deb --- Cotovia executable
../data/cotovia-lang-gl_0.5_all.deb --- Galician linguistic data
../data/cotovia-lang-es_0.5_all.deb --- Spanish linguistic data
../data/cotovia-voice-iago_0.5_all.deb --- Iago's voice files.