IST Analysis and Synthesis of Algorithms' second course project, 2022/2023. In this project, each vertice in a graph represents a region and each weight represents the value of the commercial exchanges between the 2 regions. The code uses an adapted version of Kruskal's algorithm to find the maximum value of commercial exchanges while minimizing the infrastructure costs (i.e. number of edges).
The input file contains information relating to an undirected graph G = (V,E), defined this way:
- a line containing the number of vertices |V| (with |V| ≥ 1);
- a line containing the number of arcs |E| (with |E| ≥ 0);
- a sequence of |E| lines, where each line represents an arc (u,v) and contains 3 integers: two integers that designate the vertices u and v and an integer that represents the value w(u,v).
Vertex identifiers are integers between 1 and |V|.
The program prints out the maximum value of commercial exchanges in the output, minimizing infrastructure costs (i.e. number of edges).
Input 1
1 2 2
1 5 4
1 8 3
2 6 8
2 5 4
2 8 9
4 3 1
3 7 3
4 7 4
5 6 8
6 8 5
Output 1
Two programs were provided to generate inputs:
Dense Graph Generator: dgg.c
- Generates a fully connected graph, in which vertex i connects to all vertices with indices greater than i. The correct result for any dense graph should be equal to the number of arcs (second line of the file). Arguments for execution:
<number of vertices> > <test file name><number of vertices>
: replace with the number of vertices in the graph- Example: ./dgg 10 > d10.txt
Realistic Graph Generator: delaunator.hpp
and delaunay2graph.cpp
- Generates a graph from Delaunay triangulation, with some random parameters. Arguments for execution:
<number of vertices> <maximum coordinates> <probability> <seed> > <test file name><number of vertices>
: replace with the number of vertices of the graph |V|<maximum coordinate>
: replace with M, maximum coordinate (M,M), where M >= |V|<probability>
: replace with probability to create the new graph<seed>
: replace with random seed (optional)- Example: ./d2g 10 100 0.8 15 > v10.txt