Addon for World Of Warcraft Classic v1.13
Shows the missing recipes/skills for a tradeskill and where to get them
Addon only works all languages now! (MTSL Options menu still only shown in English only)
Please donate (paypal to [email protected]) if you want to support this addon!
Thumbkin (Retail: EU-Burning Steppes, Classic: EU-Pyrewood Village)
MTSL - Vertical split (Change using options menu)
Account explorer (/mtsl acc or /mtsl account)
Character explorer (/mtsl or /mtsl char)
Database explorer (/mtsl db or /mtsl database)
NPC explorer (/mtsl npc)
Options menu (/mtsl config or /mtsl options)
Minimap button & Enhanced tooltip
- Data patch phase is automatic set based on server version
- List of all available skills & recipes with correct data for Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Cooking, Enchanting, Engineering, First Aid, Fishing, Herbalism, Leatherworking, Mining, Poisons, Skinning & Tailoring
- View missing skills for a profession (open tradeskill frame and use MTSL button, except Fishing, Herbalism & Skinning)
- Explorer frames to browse the addon data
- View all missing skills for the current logged in character per learned profession (/mtsl or /mtsl char)
- View skills learned on your alts (/mtsl acc)
- All in-game skills per phase (/mtsl db)
- All in-game NPCs (that give u access to a skill) to see what they offer (/mtsl npc)
- Options menu to configure addon settings (/mtsl config or /mtsl options)
- Minimap button to quickly access the explorer frames or options menu
- Integration with other addons (separate addon installation needed)
- TomTom: set waypoints to NPCs by clicking on their names
- Skillet-Classic
- Enhanced the tooltip to show status of alts on same realm (or faction) for a recipe
- Link items to a channel (Say, Guild, Party, Raid or "Auto") or add item to current chat message
- Ability to drag each MTSL frame around
- Updated skill, item & specialisation translations for all languages except for Korean, simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese to match live data
- Updated wrong prices from vendor to match live data
Found a bug? Want to report wrong data?
Make an issue here:
Make sure to include the following details when making an issue:
- Locale you play the game in (a.k.a. the language you play the game in)
- Brief description of the problem
- The error message (if its a bugreport)
- The saved content of MissingTradeSkillsList.lua in _classic_era_/WTF/Account/<your account name>/SavedVariables/
- Add screenshot(s) to describe the problem or from the errror (optional)
Full version history is available in inside zip addon