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Install Kubernetes CLI

brew install kubectl (k8s command line client tool)

Detailed installation and steps for installation on other platforms (windows/linux):

Install Terraform

brew tap hashicorp/tap

brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform

Detailed Installation and steps for installation on other platforms (windows/linux):

Setup Minikube

Install Minikube using brew (you need VirtualBox or Hyperkit installed)

brew install minikube (minikube version latest)

Detailed installation and steps for installation on other platforms (windows/linux):

minikube start --memory 6000 --cpus=4 --driver=hyperkit

For windows run below command:

minikube start --memory 6000 --cpus=4--driver=virtualbox --no-vtx-check

In the logs you can see if minikube is using hyperkit driver or virtual box driver.

If it's the virtual box driver, you can open VirtualBox and see the minikube instance running, and for the first time it can take upto 10-15 min.

If it’s hyperkit, move on to the next step.

eval $(minikube docker-env)

(connect host CLI to docker runtime inside minikube - need to do it every time on new terminal window)

######Copy certificates to .kube folder (Required only if you want to run deployment on jenkins. For local, uncomment commented code in and comment line #1-7)

cp ~/.minikube/ca.crt ~/.kube/client-ca-cert.pem
cp ~/.minikube/profiles/minikube/client.crt ~/.kube/client-cert.pem
cp ~/.minikube/profiles/minikube/client.key ~/.kube/client-key.pem

Setup Jenkins on Minikube

Install Helm (

brew install helm

Add jenkins repo in helm

helm repo add jenkinsci

helm repo update

Create Persistance volume for Jenkins

kubectl apply -f jenkins/jenkins-volume.yaml

Create Service Account for Jenkins Master

kubectl apply -f jenkins/jenkins-sa.yaml

Install Jenkins workload on Minikube instance

helm install jenkins -f jenkins/jenkins-values.yaml jenkinsci/jenkins

######Note: This would roughly take around 15-20mins

Run the following commands to be able to run Deployment on Jenkins

kubectl exec -it jenkins-0 /bin/sh > cd /root > mkdir .kube > exit

kubectl cp  ~/.kube/client-cert.pem jenkins-0:/root/.kube/client-cert.pem
kubectl cp  ~/.kube/client-key.pem jenkins-0:/root/.kube/client-key.pem
kubectl cp  ~/.kube/client-ca-cert.pem jenkins-0:/root/.kube/client-ca-cert.pem

Once done, Access Jenkins service

minikube service jenkins

Get Jenkins admin user password for login

kubectl get secret jenkins -o jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" | base64 --decode

On the Jenkins UI, perform the following steps:

  • Go to Manage Jenkins and click on Global Tool Configuration
  • Under Terraform, click on Terraform Installations > AddTerraform > Install from > Select version Terraform 0.14.7 linux(amd 64) from the dropdown.
  • Click on Save
  • Go to the Home Page and click on Free Style Project. Give any name to the Project.
  • Under General Tab, click on the checkbox, This Project is parameterized and add a String parameter minikube_ip
  • Under Source Code Management, select Git and add the URL:
  • Under Build Environment, select Terraform
  • Under Build, execute the following shell script
    cd $WORKSPACE/platform/terraform
    /var/jenkins_home/tools/org.jenkinsci.plugins.terraform.TerraformInstallation/terraform/terraform init
    /var/jenkins_home/tools/org.jenkinsci.plugins.terraform.TerraformInstallation/terraform/terraform apply --auto-approve -var minikube_ip=${minikube_ip}

Deploy metadata-service application using terraform on single node k8s cluster i.e, Minikube

terraform apply --auto-approve -var minikube_ip=<minikube ip>

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