This is two things:
- a GSLIB FORTRAN code wrapped into python
- a set of Python/Cython Function and Classes for drillhole processing, block model creation and manipulation, search neighborhood, VTK data visualization and exporting and non-linear geostatistical applications
version = ''
This means that we are in a very early developing stage and the package is experimental!
The easiest way to use PyGSLIB is to modify the Ipython notebook provided as template and examples. Just change some input and enjoy the results.
If you are planning to use or modify this library you may understand the code organization.
The code is organized in two separated folders
- cython_code
- for_code
The fortran code is in the folder for_code
and has 3 levels of
- A "low level" python module(s) generated automatically from FORTRAN 90 code (modified from the original FORTRAN 77 code and some non standard GSLIB programs). To compile the fortran code into python module we use f2py. This modules are "hided" (named __f*module name*.so)
- The python module(s) interfacing the module auto-generated with f2py. These are for high end users only and to develop algorithms. The examples (Ipython notebooks) that use this code are named with prefix _raw.
- [Deprecated] The algorithms modules, which are intended to simplify the use of pygslib.
The easiest way to install and work with PyGSLIB is to use Anaconda (conda) distributions. To install PyGSLIB in the root environment of your anaconda distribution follow the instructions below.
There is a binary distribution at First install conda or anaconda distribution, if you don't have one, and run the command:
conda install -c pygslib
Installation from sources ( in Anaconda 32/64 bits distribution (Linux) ------------ Install dependencies:
$ conda install numpy pandas matplotlib
Install PyGSLIB with easy_install
or pip
$ pip install pygslib
You may need access to gfortran compiler to compile the FORTRAN code. This is usually available in most Linux distributions.
Installation from sources ( in Anaconda 32 bits distribution (Windows) ------------ Install dependencies, including mingw which comes with gfortran:
C:\>conda install mingw numpy pandas matplotlib
Install PyGSLIB with easy_install
or pip
using gfortran
32 bits compiler
C:\>pip install --global-option build_ext --global-option --compiler=mingw32 pygslib
Installation from sources ( in Anaconda 64 bits distribution (Windows) ------------ Install dependencies:
C:\>conda install numpy pandas matplotlib
Install mingw with 64 bit compiler
C:\>conda install -c mingwpy
Install PyGSLIB with easy_install or pip using gfortran 64 bits compiler:
C:\>pip install --global-option build_ext --global-option --compiler=mingw32 pygslib
If you get an error like this:
File "C:\Users\Your_Path_Here\Anaconda\envs\test3\lib\site-packages\numpy\distutils\fcompiler\", line 337, in get_libraries raise NotImplementedError("Only MS compiler supported with gfortran on win64") NotImplementedError: Only MS compiler supported with gfortran on win64
Don't worry, this is a known issue in numpys distutils. Go to the file
or this file, if you are installing PyGSLIB in an environment
around the line 337 you will see:
if is_win64(): c_compiler = self.c_compiler if c_compiler and c_compiler.compiler_type == "msvc": return [] else: raise NotImplementedError("Only MS compiler supported with gfortran on win64")
rewrite the code like this:
if is_win64(): c_compiler = self.c_compiler if c_compiler and c_compiler.compiler_type == "msvc": return [] else: return [] #raise NotImplementedError("Only MS compiler supported with gfortran on win64")
and rerun
C:\>pip install --global-option build_ext --global-option --compiler=mingw32 pygslib
This may fix the problem.
Note that this is a bug in numpy<1.10
This is the most update but unstable development version. You may manually install all the dependencies and make sure you have gfortran available:
git clone cd pygslib python install
To update this module as contributor, make changes and the update git (requesting a pull). To update the pypi repository:
python sdist upload -r pypi
To update conda repository(Linux):
conda skeleton pypi pygslib conda build pygslib anaconda upload /home/adrian/anaconda/conda-bld/linux-64/pygslib-
See the Ipython noteebooks provided in the folder pygslib/Ipython_templates
Copyright 2015, Adrian Martinez Vargas
Supported by Opengeostat Consulting @
This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE.txt file for details.
Tue 05 Jan. 2016