This is a fork of Tracker for the Semantic Web of Things. It includes simplified versions of the Semantic Sensors Network and related ontologies.
Most of the added ontologies are extracted from the n3 versions available on the Linked Open Vocabularies site.
De facto standard ontology for representing latitude, longitude and altitude information.
Relations are added to make the slo
ontology derive from geo
for compatibility.
tracker-sparql -q "SELECT ?url ?long ?lat WHERE {
?x nie:url ?url; geo:location ?loc. ?loc geo:long ?long; geo:lat ?lat
The OWL 2 Web Ontology Language, referenced by most of the Linked Open Vocabularies ontologies.
The DOLCE+DnS Ultralite ontology. Foundational ontology for modeling either physical or social contexts. Parent for most classes and properties of the ssn ontology.
The W3C Semantic Sensor Networks Incubator Group Semantic Sensors Network ontology is based around concepts of systems, processes, and observations. It supports the description of the physical and processing structure of sensors.
Create a telemeter model in a file named ultrasonicWifiTelemeter.n3
<uswt00hsr04> a ssn:SensingDevice;
rdfs:label "uswt HCSR04 ultrasonic telemeter module".
<uswt00esp01> a ssn:Device;
rdfs:label "uswt ESP-01 WiFi module".
<uswt00atmega328> a ssn:Device;
rdfs:label "uswt Arduino Pro Mini controller".
<uswt00> a ssn:SensingDevice;
rdfs:label "ultrasonic Wifi Telemeter";
ssn:hasSubSystem <uswt00hsr04>;
ssn:hasSubSystem <uswt00esp01>;
ssn:hasSubSystem <uswt00atmega328>.
Import the file with tracker.
tracker-import ultrasonicWifiTelemeter.n3
tracker-sparql -q "SELECT ?x ?lx ?y ?ly {
?x a dul:PhysicalObject;
dul:hasPart ?y;
rdfs:label ?lx.
?y rdfs:label ?ly
These ontologies referenced in the W3C Semantic Sensors Network examples describe measurement units.
File ultrasonicWifiTelemeterEnvironment.n3
describes the feature measured by the telemeter, i.e. the length of the space in front of it.
<uswt00frontspace> a ssn:FeatureOfInterest;
ssn:hasProperty <>.
<uswt00> ssn:observes <>.
File ultrasonicWifiTelemeterObservation.n3
describes one measure instance, in meters.
<uswt00val01> a uomvocab:QualityValue;
uomvocab:measuredIn <>;
uomvocab:numericalValue 10.
<uswt00out01> a ssn:SensorOutput;
ssn:hasValue <uswt00val01>.
<uswt00observ01> a ssn:Observation;
ssn:observedBy <uswt00>;
ssn:observedProperty <>;
ssn:featureOfInterest <uswt00frontspace>;
ssn:observationResult <uswt00out01>.
Import the files.
tracker-import ultrasonicWifiTelemeterEnvironment.n3 ultrasonicWifiTelemeterObservation.n3
tracker-sparql -q "SELECT ?sensor ?property ?feature ?value ?unit {
?s rdf:type ssn:Observation ;
ssn:observedBy ?sensor ;
ssn:observedProperty ?property ;
ssn:featureOfInterest ?feature ;
ssn:observationResult ?so .
?so ssn:hasValue ?ov .
?ov dul:hasRegionDataValue ?value ;
uomvocab:measuredIn ?unit .