gllimpx (Gl-Less IMPlementation of X3d) is a Javascript library that draws a x3d model on the HTML5 canvas.
- Live interpreter on a 3 axis model.
- Simple house model
- Transfom: translation, rotation, scale
- Viewpoint: position, orientation
- Appearance.Material.diffuseColor
- Shape: Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, Box, IndexedFaceSet
A gllimpx object draws a wireframe view of a x3d model on a HTML5 canvas. The model can be examined by mouse drag on the canvas. Named elements of the model (with a DEF tag) are accessible from Javascript and can be manipulated by translation, rotation, scale and color.
- x3d : a x3d object holding the DOM tree for the x3d model.
- model : a x3DNode object, initially at the scene node.
- canvas : a HTML5 canvas to draw the model.
- parseX3d(x3dStr) : creates the x3d DOM tree and the model from a x3d string, returns the model.
- setCanvas(aCanvas)
- redrawCanvas()
- onMouseDown(event) : canvas onmousedown handle
- onMouseUp(event) : canvas onmouseup / onmouseout handle
- rotateOnMouseMove(event) : canvas onmousemove handle to rotate the model on the x and y axes.
- translateOnMouseMove(event) : canvas onmousemove handle to translate the model on the x and y axes.
- zoomOnMouseMove(event) : canvas onmousemove handle to translate the model on the z axis.
- scene : a x3DNode object
- circlelines : number of lines to approximate a circle, set to 6 by default.
- getScene(xmlDoc) : returns the x3dNode object corresponding to the Scene node of the document.
- findObjectByPath(defPath) : returns the x3dNode object addressed by an array of nested nodes DEF names.
- rotation(fx, fy, fz, teta) : rotates the object as defined by the rotation attribute of a Transform x3d tag.
- translation(x, y, z) : translates the object as defined by the translation attribute of a Transform x3d tag.
- scale(x, y, z) : scales the object as defined by the scale attribute of a Transform x3d tag.
- color(r, g, b) : changes the object's color as defined by the diffuseColor attribute of a Appearance x3d tag.