This is TheraForge's Utilities framework that provide various helper function.
OTFUtilities implements the functions required to perform e2e encryption using swift Sodium.
Release 1.0.1-beta
- OSLog Update
- Updated
to support iOS 14.0+ - Added watchOS target
- Updated
Create a Master Key
by using generateMasterKey funcion and pass email addrress and password.
let masterKey = swiftSodium.generateMasterKey(email: "your email address", password: "your password")
Create a Default Storage Key
by using generateDefaultStorageKey funcion and pass your master key.
let defaultStorageKey = swiftSodium.generateDefaultStorageKey(masterKey: "your master key")
Create a Confidential Storage Key
by using generateConfidentialStorageKey function and pass your master key.
let confidentialStorageKey = swiftSodium.generateConfidentialStorageKey(masterKey: "your master key")
Create a File Key
by using generateDeriveKey function and pass your default storage key.
let fileKey = swiftSodium.generateDeriveKey(key: "your default storage key")
Create a GenericHash With Key
by using generateGenericHashWithKey function and pass your document bytes and your file key.
let hashKeyUsingKey = swiftSodium.generateGenericHashWithKey(message: "your document bytes", fileKey: "your file key")
Create a GenericHash Without Key
by using generateGenericHashWithoutKey function and pass your document bytes.
let hashKeyUsingKey = swiftSodium.generateGenericHashWithoutKey(message: "your document bytes")
You can save the key in your keychain by using saveKey
swiftSodium.saveKey(key: "your key bytes", keychainKey: "key name")
You can load the key from your keychain by using loadKey
swiftSodium.loadKey(keychainKey: "your key name")
You can encrypt your key by using encryptKey
function and pass key bytes and recipient Public Key.
let encryptkey : Bytes? = swiftSodium.encryptKey(bytes: "key in bytes", publicKey: "recipient Public Key")
You can encrypt your key by using decryptKey
function and pass encrypyted key bytes, recipient Public Key and recipient Secret Key.
let decrryptedKey = swiftSodium.decryptKey(bytes: "encrypyted key bytes", publicKey: "recipient Public Key", secretKey: "recipient Secret Key")
You can encrypt your document by using encryptFile
function and pass Push Stream Object and document in bytes.
let encryptedFile = swiftSodium.encryptFile(pushStream: "Push Stream Object", fileBytes: "document in bytes")
You can encrypt your document by using decryptFile
function and pass Push Stream Header, file key and encrypted document in bytes.
guard let (file, tag) = swiftSodium.decryptFile(secretKey: "file key", header: "push stream header", encryptedFile: "encrypted File key")
you can create hexString To Data
by using hexStringToData function.
let data = swiftSodium.hexStringToData(string: "hexString")
This project is made available under the terms of a modified BSD license. See the LICENSE file.