UIUC CS 128 Honors Final Project - Building Wordle In Rust
Rusty Wordle
Nicholas Wong (nwong27)
Andrew Yang (ayy2)
Jason Hu (jasonzh2)
A version of the fun & popular game Wordle in Rust.
Opportunity to incorporate advanced Rust concepts like borrowing, ownership, & structs into implementation.
Recreate the fun & popular game of Wordle in Rust, where there are 6 tries to guess a 5 letter word.
Overall, it'd provide extra programming experience in the Rust programming language & would make for a fun & interesting final project to end the semester with.
- Guess a 5 letter word.
- Each letter is marked a color after every guess.
- Green: The letter is in the answer & in the correct position.
- Yellow: The letter is in the answer but not in the correct position.
- Grey: The letter isn't in the answer at all.
- Green: The letter is in the answer & in the correct position.
- You lose if you fail to guess the word in 6 tries.
Originally were planning to provide a website UI implementation utilizing CSS & HTML, but opted for a terminal-based output instead.
Working with CSS, HTML, & JavaScript to create a website hosted UI, along with implementing Wordle in Rust would be much more difficult considering the scope of the project & group member’s experience with web development.