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This image shows a tweet from @Steam

Theme is

discord-twitter-webhooks is an automated tool that sends tweets from Twitter to Discord using webhooks.


  • Send tweets from Twitter to Discord using webhooks.
  • Send the tweet as an embed, link or text.
  • Support for translations via DeepL.


You have two choices, using Docker or install directly on your computer.

Run with Docker

This is the recommended way to install the bot.

Docker Hub: thelovinator/discord-twitter-webhooks

  • Data is stored in /home/botuser/.local/share/discord_twitter_webhooks in the container.
  • The container runs as the bot user with UID 1000 and GID 1000, this means your directory must be owned by UID 1000 and GID 1000.
  • The server runs on port 8000.

Install directly on your computer

This is not recommended if you don't have an init system (e.g., systemd)

  • Install the latest version of needed software:
    • Python
      • You should use the latest version.
      • You want to add Python to your PATH.
      • Windows: Find App execution aliases and disable python.exe and python3.exe
    • Poetry
      • Windows: You have to add %appdata%\Python\Scripts to your PATH for Poetry to work.
        • Open System Properties
        • Click on Environment Variables...
        • Under User variables find Path and click Edit...
        • Add %appdata%\Python\Scripts to the list.
  • Download the project from GitHub with Git or download the ZIP.
    • If you want to update the bot, you can run git pull in the project folder or download the ZIP again.
  • Open a terminal in the repository folder.
    • Windows 10: Shift + right-click in the folder and select Open PowerShell window here
    • Windows 11: Shift + right-click in the folder and Show more options and Open PowerShell window here
  • Install requirements:
    • Type poetry install into the terminal.
  • Start the bot:
    • Type poetry run bot into the PowerShell window.
      • You can stop the bot with Ctrl + c.
  • Go to http://localhost:8000 or the IP of your server.
  • You can change the Nitter instance in Settings.
  • Add a group under Add.
    • A group is a collection of Twitter accounts and Discord webhooks that will be used to send tweets.
    • Each group has its own settings. (e.g., If retweets should be sent, should be sent as an embed, etc.)