The HaploQA web application was developed at the Jackson Laboratory with support from the Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Centers (NIH OD010921) and the Jackson Laboratory Genetic Resource Science group. The purpose of the tool is to facilitate genetic quality assurance of mice using genotype data derived from genotyping platforms such as GigaMUGA and MegaMUGA. The application was originally developed by Keith Sheppard as part of the Jackson Laboratory's [Computational Sciences] ( group. A public instance of the HaploQA web application is available at and the source code is made available under an MIT license.
Major Contributions:
- Laura Reinholdt
- Keith Sheppard
- Gary Churchill
- Dan Gatti
- Anna Lamoureux
- Ben Robinson
- Vinita Sinha
- Dave Walton
HaploQA requires Python 3. Begin by installing that. In order to install HaploQA you must first install and configure MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Celery and apache with mod_wsgi. Assuming for a development installation you are working on a mac you can use the following instructions. For CENTOS there will be similar commands using yum.
I prefer to work from a VirtualEnv. If you don't already have virtualenv you'll want to install it:
pip install virtualenv
once that's installed create your virtual environment. Note: That if python3 is not in your path, you'll need to give the explicit path to it's location.
virtualenv -p python3 HaploQA
then activate it
. haploqa/bin/activate
then install all of your python project dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
brew update
then install MongoDB with
brew install mongodb
You'll need to create a folder for your database
mkdir db
Instructions for starting Mongo are below.
brew install rabbitmq
Instructions for starting are below.
pip install Celery
Start Mongo like:
mongod --dbpath db --storageEngine mmapv1
Stop mongo with crtl+c
Start/Stop RabbitMQ like (note on the mac rabbitmq scripts will be located in /usr/local/sbin/) :
rabbitmqctl stop
Start Celery worker like:
PYTHONPATH=src python -m celery worker -A haploqa.haploqaapp.celery --logfile <abs_path>/logs/celery.log
Stop Celery with ctrl+c
On OSX we can start the local postfix server like:
sudo postfix start
On OSX to run the app from the command-line (for development purposes only):
For the first time running:
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ export FLASK_APP=src/haploqa/
$ flask run
After the first time, all it should take to run is: $ flask run
Start/Stop the Web Service Like:
sudo service httpd24-httpd start
sudo service httpd24-httpd stop
Start/Stop Mongo Like:
sudo service mongod start
sudo service mongod stop
Start/Stop celery Like:
sudo service haploqa-celeryd start
sudo service haploqa-celeryd stop
For a new installation you are going to need an administrative account to work through the system. Once you have that first account created, you can create other user accounts through the UI.
From the project root directory (where src is a subdirectory), run the following command:
PYTHONPATH=src python src/haploqa/
You will be prompted for an email address and a password.
saveSvgAsPng.js: script to save a D3 plot (svg) as a png. MIT license - author Eric Shull (
d3.tip.v0.6.3.js: script to create tooltips. - author Justin Palmer (