ResourceView is a very useful library to handle resource states e.g. loading, data or error. Here is some simple steps to use ResourceView:
1. Configure:
// in project's build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
jcenter({ url "" })
// in app's build.gradle
compile 'com.thehemantkaushik:resourceview:1.0.0-alpha2'
2. Find view:
// find/bind view
ResourceView resourceView;
3. Show Loading:
// show loader without any message
// show loader with message by passing string resource id
resourceView.showLoadingLayout(@StringRes int loaderMessage);
// show loader with message by passing string
resourceView.showLoadingLayout(String loaderMessage);
// want to show custom layout for loading
resourceView.showLoadingView(@LayoutRes int layoutRes);
// want to show custom view for loading
resourceView.showLoadingView(View view);
4. Show Error:
// show error message
resourceView.showErrorLayout(String message);
// show error image and message
resourceView.showErrorLayout(int imageRes, String message);
// show error message and action
resourceView.showErrorLayout(String message, String actionButtonText, Runnable actionButtonCallback);
// show error image, message and action
resourceView.showErrorLayout(int imageRes, String message, String actionButtonText, Runnable actionButtonCallback);
// show your own error layout by passing its resource id
resourceView.showErrorView(@LayoutRes int layout);
// show your own error view
resourceView.showErrorView(View view);
5. Show Contents:
// to show actual contents, just call this method: