Project for the Digipen Wanic class, Intro to Video Game Programming Thank you to the instructors Tal Wilfand and Connor Brennan who helped me at various points in the project!
In order to set up this project, you will need an IDE that supports python. What I used is PyCharm Community. In the IDE of your choosing, there should be an option to get a project from VCS. You need to copy the github URL of this project, and then clone the project.
You cannot run the program without installing python first. Install python, and this will give you access to an interpreter that runs the project. After cloning the project, none of the libraries imported will be installed. Install these libraries by right clicking and installing the packages automatically. If this does not work, you can also opt to "pip install ______" in cmd. This also might fail if pip or python is outdated, which requires additional downloads.