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EGR 103-005-005
Created by the team:
Double O' Five
Spring of 2024

Welcome to our humble abode! This script directory is object-oriented.
  This means the code is easy to use, but hard to navigate. As such, this
  file "README.txt" will give a summary of every file in this directory.
  First, lets start with the highest parent files:
    * The "initialize" folder contains the files to be executed.
    * The "other" folder contains test and miscellaneous scripts.
    * The "README" text file acts as a guide to the projects code.
    * The "LICENSE" text file contains the projects license (MPL 2.0).

  Next, the "initialize" folder:
    * The "waterSampler" script is the main script ran for the project.
    * The "waterSamplerGUI" app contains sub-system code. DON'T RUN THIS!
    * The "waterSamplerGUI_PREVIEW" script is a preview of the code of the
        app with the same name. THIS IS A PREVIEW ONLY. DON'T RUN THIS!

  Finally, the "other" folder:
    * The "Wildzach" script contains Zachary's EGR 101 final project.
        It has working code for processing and manipulating images and is
        used as the framework for the vision system.
    * The "AppForArduinoLML" app contains a working example of how to use
        the pieces and parts of a MATLAB app.
    * The "AppForArduinoLML_PREVIEW" script is a preview of the code of the
        app with the same name. THIS IS A PREVIEW ONLY. DON'T RUN THIS!
    * The "GUI_ProofOfConcept" folder contains Zachary's proof of concept
        for the GUI sub-system.
        * The "ExampleHydroponicData" spreadsheet is given test data.
        * The "GUI_POC" app is the proof of concept app.
        * The "GUI_POC_PREVIEW" script is a preview of the code of the app
            with the same name. THIS IS A PREVIEW ONLY. DON'T RUN THIS!
    * The "GUI_Build" script contains the executing code for the Build of Concept.
    * The "GUI_BuildGUI" app contains the GUI for the Build of Concept. DON'T RUN THIS!
    * The "GUI_BuildGUI_PREVIEW" script contains a preview of the app with
        the same name. THIS IS A PREVIEW ONLY. DON'T RUN THIS!
    * The "ImageProcessingExample" script shows a working example of how to
        use bounding boxes and image recognition.
    * The "Cyan_Pink_Stickers" image is for the "ImageProcessingExample" script.
    * The "ColdHot" image is for the "AppForArduinoLML" app.
    * The "WaterDrop" image is for the "waterSamplerGUI" app.
    * The "secrets" text file contains any secrets used. (local file)

Why is there previews of all the app files?
  This is because GitHub treats the app files as binary files. The preview
  files allow you to view a copy of the code of the app files on GitHub.

If you want to run this project, make sure you add the file
  "EGR103_WaterSample" to the working directory in MATLAB! Here is how:
    1. Switch to the "HOME" tab.
    2. Click "Set Path".
    3. Click "Add with Subfolders".
    4. Select the "EGR103_WaterSample" file and click "Select folder".
    5. Click "Save".
  You can tell it worked if the folder icon for "EGR103_WaterSample" is
  no longer grayed out.

Congrats on reading this far! Here is a bonus duck.



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