This plugin provides a way to generate indent-blankline.nvim configurations with rainbow indents, akin to the the indent-rainbow Visual Studio Code extension.
Unlike most Neovim plugins, this plugin just provides configuration for another plugin, and can't be initialized on its own. Instead, it must be listed as a dependency for indent-blankline and used when configuring it.
main = "ibl",
opts = function(_, opts)
-- Other blankline configuration here
return require("indent-rainbowline").make_opts(opts)
dependencies = {
(This configuration has not been tested. Please submit an issue if it doesn't work)
use {
config = function()
opts = {}
-- Other blankline configuration here
requires = {
To customize how the rainbow indentation looks, pass a second argument to make_opts
when creating indent-blankline options.
return require("indent-rainbowline").make_opts(opts, {
-- How transparent should the rainbow colors be. 1 is completely opaque, 0 is invisible. 0.07 by default
color_transparency = 0.15,
-- The 24-bit colors to mix with the background. Specified in hex.
-- { 0xffff40, 0x79ff79, 0xff79ff, 0x4fecec, } by default
colors = { 0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, },