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2. What is a Descriptor?

yushakareem edited this page Dec 16, 2019 · 5 revisions

OWLOOP enables interaction with 'OWL entities', i.e, Concept (also known as, Class), Individual, Object property and Data property as objects within the OOP paradigm. These objects are termed as Descriptors. A descriptor is composed of three parts, i.e, Ground, Expression and EntitySet.

  • A descriptor's Ground: is an OWL entity.
  • A descriptor's Expression: represents an expression (or expressions) of the Ground.
  • A descriptor's EntitySet: is a set of OWL entities associated to the to the Ground via an Expression.

Quick example:

  • A descriptor's Ground (of OWL entity type OWLClass): Socrates
  • A descriptor's Expression: SubClassOf
  • A descriptor's EntitySet (of OWL entity type OWLClass): [Human, Mortal]