The purpose of this project is to help members of DOT establish their skills by co-creating on a birthday countdown of significant figures.
You will find this project useful if you have some experience with Javascript, HTML, and CSS. Previous experience with MVC frameworks or templating engines will be helpful, but is not necessary. This project will be useful for those who would like to learn/gain experience in React (frontend Javascript) and MomentJs (configuring dates).
To install packages, type the following command in your terminal:
npm install
To start the project, type the following command and go to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser:
npm start
Name | Description |
public/ | Static assets (fonts, js, img). |
src/ | Main source folder for the App. | | Describes how this software can be used by others. |
.gitignore | Tells git to ignore files and directories. |
package.json | NPM dependencies. | | You are currently reading it. |
- React
- MomentJs
- Material UI (MUICSS)