The single channel radio for your daily routine.
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The code that runs in the ATTINY25/45/85 on the TPR circuit board.
Compiled with either Atmel Studio 7 or AVR GCC tool chain.
An Arduino sketch that can program a TPR's user parameters though the battery clips on a production jig.
Sundry Python and shell scrip code for messing with the config data stored in a TPR's EEPROM.
In the interest of collaboration and good will, the files herein are offered for public use. Just don't be a jerk about it, etc., and do let us know if we've screwed something really big up:). The Public Radio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more info, visit
The Public Radio is a single channel, single speaker FM receiver. As a piece of hardware, it was intended to be as simple as possible. One midrange speaker mounted inside a simple enclosure, with a single switched knob which controls power and adjusts volume.
The Public Radio is a project which spans industrial design, embedded systems design, and firmware. The files located within this project comprise a subset of the data reqired to fully complete ThePublic Radio, though efforts are being made to completely describe the project from top to bottom.
The work herein is primarily a collaboration between Spencer Wright ( and Zach Dunham ( though much of it was adapted heavily from friendly sources. In particular, early versions of the firmware was adapted directly from Nathan Seidle et al (Sparkfun). Special thanks also goes to Todd Bailey ( and Andy Warner (
A bunch of code. Honestly this repo is a bit out of date; we'll screw with it (in a good way!) more this winter/spring.
I'm new to this game. Holler at me if I'm missing something.