Script to automate Git from project working directory with a menu to choose from, you just have configure once and the script can be used for the following operations.
Which Git operations you want to perform ?
(0) Configure
(1) Clone
(2) Pull
(3) Push
(4) Exit
Enter your choice [0-4]:
Use the script "" file inside your project working directory to automate git procedures by just configuring the script once and use it any number of times.
You just have to use the configure option once and if you wish to change the working directory you just have to use the configure option to start working with the new project.
Just give the file write access and use the script by running:
Use the file as super user or admin acces and provide the file with write access by :
$ chmod +x
inside the terminal, in the project working directory.
Keep working on project files and run :
$ ./
in the project working directory's terminal, while the "" file is present and provided with write access and you will be able to handle your project files with git operations using a simple menu driven approach.