This Discord bot provides server statistics for Wargaming (WG) servers and allows users to check the ping for specific game servers. Additionally, it updates Discord channel names with real-time player counts and ping information.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install the required Python packages:
pip install discord-py-slash-command pythonping requests
- Create a Discord bot and obtain the bot token.
Replace the placeholder token in with your bot token:'YOUR_BOT_TOKEN')
- Run the bot:
- /wgstats - Fetches Wargaming server statistics for a specific region.
/wgstats [region]
region (optional): The server region (e.g., "EU", "NA", "ASIA"). Defaults to "EU" if not specified.
- /checkping - Checks the ping for a specific game server or all servers.
/checkping [server]
server: The server API name. Use "ALL" to check ping for all servers.
This JSON file contains information about game servers, including their names, addresses
The bot automatically updates Discord channel names with real-time player counts and ping information. The channels are mapped in the channel_mapping dictionary in
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.