my script to trigger the RaspiCam to take JPEG+RAW photos during octolapse. 2x cameras have to be used.
Reference Material:
- Raspiberry Pi 4
- USB Webcam
- Arducam 5MP OV5647 1080P
- USB 3.0 thumb drive plugged in to Raspiberry PI 4 USB 3.0 port
my blog posts on this idea:
- install Octipi and setup on Rasperry Pi
- install plugin OctoLapse
- Go into OctoLapse settng and edit the Raspberry Pi Camera settings
- Change "Camera Type" to "External Camera - Script"
- Copy scripts to /home/pi/scripts
- For the "Snapshot Acquire Script" field enter in /home/pi/scripts/
- For the "Before Print Start Script" field enter in /home/pi/scripts/
- For the "After Print End Script" field enter in /home/pi/scripts/
Known Issues:
- Before and After Scripts work when clicking test but do not want to run when attempting to run an OctoLapse Print.
- Print Job name does not automatically pass to the ZIP file creation.
- Does not automatically render TimeLapse but this is by design due to wanting a series of Photos with RAW data to edit.