A simple, efficient geocoder/reverse geocoder with a built-in cache.
Is it extensible? Yes. Is it any good? Absolutely.
Keep calm and add Geocoder to your mix.exs
def deps do
[{:geocoder, "~> 0.7"}]
Add it to your starting applications too:
def application do
[applications: [:logger, :geocoder]]
Set pool configuration:
config :geocoder, :worker_pool_config, [
size: 4,
max_overflow: 2
Set provider configuration:
config :geocoder, :worker, [
provider: Geocoder.Providers.GoogleMaps # is the default, or OpenStreetMaps
If you need to set a proxy (or any other option supported by HTTPoison.get/3):
config :geocoder, Geocoder.Worker, [
httpoison_options: [proxy: "my.proxy.server:3128", proxy_auth: {"username", "password"}]
Let's rumble!
Geocoder.call("Toronto, ON")
Geocoder.call({43.653226, -79.383184})
You can pass options to the function that will be passed to the geocoder provider, for example:
Geocoder.call(address: "Toronto, ON", language: "es", key: "...", ...)
See here and here for a list of supported parameters for the default geocoder provider (Geocoder.Provider.GoogleMaps
And you're done! How simple was that?