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Security: TermuxArch/paypal-checkout-components


Security Policy

At PayPal, we take security very seriously. If you have found a security bug with PayPal, we ask that you follow the below process to share security bugs with us in a responsible way. This process allows us to review and resolve the issue and keep our customers safe while providing you public recognition for the submission.

PayPal Bug Bounty Program

PayPal runs a bug bounty program that provides monetary awards for significant findings. If you have found a security bug, please visit the site and follow the submission process to responsibly report the bug to PayPal.

Quarterly, we recognize the top-10 security researchers who have had confirmed bug reports submitted through the program on our PayPal Bug Bounty Wall of Fame. We do this to publically recognize the researchers for the hard work they have done, and also to show them respect for responsibly reporting security bugs through the program.

Please read the program terms for full details about the submission process and eligibility for monetary awards.

Contact us

If you have questions about the bug bounty program, reach out to us at [email protected].


No reported issues for this project.

There aren’t any published security advisories