Performance Analysis of Binary Amplitude Shift Keying (BASK)
Tejas R (16CO148) - [email protected]
Tejaskumar K (16CO250) - [email protected]
Tushar D M (16CO251) - [email protected]
Digital to analog conversion of signals uses digital modulation techniques because of reasons such as its capacity to store huge amount of data, high security. Amplitude shift keying is a technique where the amplitude of the output depends on the input data and it is zero level when the input bit is 0 or is variation of positive and negative depending on carrier frequency when the input is 1.
The modulation of the input digital signal to corresponding amplitude shift keying output.
Demodulation of the output amplitude shift keying to corresponding digital signal.
Probability of the bit error rate with respect to snr (signal to noise ratio).
Comparison of amplitude shift keying with other Shift keying methods.
“Amplitude Shift Keying Modulation, Demodulation, And Performance.” Digital Communications with Emphasis on Data Modems, 2017.
Introduction.md - Explains theoritical aspects of mini project.
Design.md -Explains design aspects of the mini project.
Mode.m - Conversion of input binary data into BASK signal.
Demod.m - Conversion of files BASK signal to binary data.
Screenshots - Contains screenshots of the outputs.