Companion repository for MicroPython_for_the_T-Display-ESP32 STEM learning module
micropython samples for TTGO T-Display ESP32 device companion for STEM learning module
Mostly based on the examples from:
and other sources as noted with adaptations for the 2-button T-Display hardware : runs on every reset, global variables : runs after a normal reset. In this case, it calls, (but this can be replaced by another script) : Launch any script that starts with an underscore '_'. Button 1 scrolls down, Button 2 launches top script. : Puts device in low power state. : pretty colors demo. : Connects to the public 'tmobile' wifi available at stores and displays a random quote from the internet. : displays a random quote from a local list. : brickbreaker port. Use button 2 to select an AI : pong game. Use button 2 to choose control of one or both paddles, or see AI vs. AI : asteroids game. Press both buttons to activate thrusters. : eat the apples. Use button 2 to select an AI : working version of Tetris ported from . But no music (yet) : Non-functional Tetris demo - I broke some game logic while upscaling it for the T-Display. However, it plays music if you connect a small speaker to pin 26 and GND, so I kept it. Button 2 selects music on Tetris menu. : emoticon display. : displays any 240x135 .jpg photos you uploaded into photos_240x135 directory using the ampy utility. : displays photos in the nasa_240x135 directory. I removed the clock from Russ Hughes's example so it wouldn't require wifi networking. : D6 roll : Display MicroPython version, available flash and heap memory, and battery / USB power voltage : Shows single, double, triple, and long click events : First device creates a simple chat client for subsequent devices to connect to. Button 1 chooses an emoticon to send, button 2 sends it. Unfortunately, a threading bug on the first (server) device stops everything if it sends more than one message, but all the other client devices can share emoticons to their hearts' content. : creates a WiFi access point that serves a simple web page. Connect a phone or computer to the wifi access point and visit to view a random fortune.