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This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 25, 2024. It is now read-only.


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The 2024 code is read-only. You can find current development in the "all25" repo.



all24 contains all the Team 100 code for 2024. There's just one repository, so that sharing library code across projects is easier.

This style of code management is sometimes called a "monorepo" if you want to read more about it.

Here is the directory layout:

  • lib: evergreen library code
  • comp: competition code for 2024
    • swerve100: roborio code
    • vision: raspberry pi code
  • studies: small independent projects
    • your project
    • another project
    • etc ...

Getting Started

First time working on Control? Fret not! This guide will walk you through everything from setting up your development environment, to deploying code to the RoboRIO, to controlling your first motor, and then to building a complex robot. It's an in-progress guide so please add to it anytime you see gaps.


  1. Setting up your development environment
  2. Getting your first motor running
  3. Creating a new 'study'