This is an open source set of bundles that allow to convert a karaf styled feature to a Maven pom configuration (it will generate , and block)
Let's imagine you have a set of dependencies:
Your Karaf feature will look like this: mvn:group/A/1_1 mvn:group/C/1_1
Passing through the net.osgiliath.maven.pom.generator plugin, you'll have an output like this:
And if you enable the -DVirgo jvm property, it will also generate a configuration to copy these artifactto your ${virgo.path}/repository/usr folder
If you've all the artifact in your local repo and launch with the feature above (and the -DM2_REPO jvm opt), it will generate a virgo plan containing these dependencies:
Bundles that will convert karaf features to maven poms dependencies (and dependency copy-deps to /repository/usr folder for virgo) or virgo plans
<plan:Plan xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:plan="" atomic="true" name="all" scoped="false" version="1">
<artifact name="A" type="bundle" version="1.1"/><!-- name and version extracted from the bundle MANIFEST.MF-->
<artifact name="B" type="bundle" version="1.2"/>
<artifact name="C" type="bundle" version="1.1"/>
This will also work for nested features.