- Fixed issue with pings. Yuo should not be disconnected as much now.
- Server ip could be shown wrong from side menu after switching on and off wifi.
- Some data fixes.
- "Shuffle & draw" text added on empty attack modifier draw pile.
- Can hide ally deck from main menu if it was added extra.
- Automatically add ally deck on scenarios with 'escort' allies that have attacks.
- Shuffle unrevealed cards option added: From card menu, tap an undrawn card.
- Battle Goal remider on start of a scenario (can turn off from settings).
- Option to not use ally attack modifier deck in OG Gloomhaven campaigns.
- Option to use original hazardous terrain calculation in OG Gloomhaven campaigns.
Note: apple is the worst. If I never see another provisioning profile or certificate issue again it's too soon.