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Activity Report for Taqi Tahmid

Evan Toomey edited this page Jun 6, 2024 · 1 revision

May 28, 2024 - June 3, 2024

Issues: There are no issues to report

Add or Delete Rewards - Editing Reward Tasks - Review

60 minutes

-Looking over this task I made sure when a new reward was added the properties appeared correctly. I was able to review the user story and acceptance criteria to make sure everything was achieved and matched with the task -I was able to fix a minor issue with the rewards adding when a new reward was added or edited the divided color would not change. I was able to fix this bug by editing the reward.js file to add code that would make sure the reward.color was changed to backgroundColor and HighlightColor which matched with the theme's user story.

moved to Done @ 9:35 pm on 6/2/2024

Settings Page - Making sure everything in the Help section works properly- Review

60 minutes

-I was able to look over this task and review the settings.js file to ensure that all user story guidelines and acceptance criteria were met for this task. After debugging and running many tests I was able to confirm that this task was ready to be moved to the done column for our kanban board.

moved to Done @ 9:40 pm on 6/2/2024

Signed By: Leo Thomas, Evan Toomey

May 21, 2024 - May 27, 2024

Issues: There are no issues to report

Streak Length - Streaks are counted on shown individually on each task- In Progress

130 minutes

-In this task, I was able to edit the task.js file and add two components. By importing a fire.json animation for a streak counter I added the animation to the streak number. I created a condition in which a number is next to the task list and starts at zero. By creating a conditional statement I made the state for the appearance of the fire streak true after 3 increments. In conclusion, this task was able to have the streak number and icon appear and for users when completing tasks.

moved to Review @ 2:48 pm 5/28/2024

Signed By: Leo Thomas, Vruj Patel, Evan Toomey

May 14, 2024- May 20, 2024

Issues: There are no issues to report

Add or Delete tasks - set switch for completed tasks to reset after some time - In Progress

48 minutes

-In this task, I was able to edit the task.js file in which I added a function using an if statement to have the state of the switch back to its previous state after 12 hours. This task is assigned so that after some time a user can re-do a task the following day to keep a streak which will be provided in a future task.

moved to Review @ 1:30 pm 5/21/2024

Success Animation - completion of tasks - review

50 minutes

-For this task, I was able to review and ensure that the animation was correctly playing in the correct space. However, there was an issue with the animation looping forever so I was able to edit the task.js file to turn the loop off so the animation only plays once. Before putting the task into the done column I made sure that all acceptance criteria were met.

moved to Done @ 1:21 pm 5/21/2024

App Theme - Set up interface for app theme changes and choose the theme color palettes- Review

40 minutes

-In this task, I was able to make sure that all acceptance criteria were met to ensure the foundation for setting up theme changes for the user on the app was set up correctly. After reviewing I was able to find some minor bugs and consistency issues which I was able to fix by editing the shoptab.js file.

moved to Done @ 1:25 pm 5/21/2024

Signed By: Evan Toomey, Vruj Patel, Leo Thomas

May 7, 2024 - May 13, 2024

Issues: There are no issues to report

Success animation - completion of tasks - in progress

60 minutes

-I was able to edit the task.js file in this task to be able to implement the Lottie animation context for the tasks by wrapping the elements within the points and switch. -Using conditions for alerts I added a feature in task.js so that when the user tries to complete a task by switching on the switch the user is prompted with an alert so that they can confirm completion and verify before triggering the points and success animation.

moved to review @ 2:33 pm on 5/13/2024

Total points correctly displays - When task is completed or not points correctly accumulates- in progress

70 minutes

-This issue is a continuum to an original task that is now more complicated due to the new features for this sprint. I was able to edit the task.js file to debug and change up the sorting and order of the features so that before the points accumulate the alerts and prompts can be executed first to determine the "state".

moved to review @ 4:37 pm on 5/13/2024

App theme - a settings page with theme component - review

20 minutes

-I was able to look at the settingstab.js file and make sure that all elements were displayed correctly and appeared on the correct screen for the tab navigator. I can conclude that the acceptance criteria are met effectively and correctly.

moved to Done @ 4:47 pm on 5/13/2024

Signed By: Vruj Patel, Evan Toomey, Leo Thomas

April 29, 2024 - May 5, 2024

Issues: There are no issues to report

App Theme - Confetti animation for points button and reward button - in progress

200 minutes

  • A big part of our app is to make it appealing to users and have a nice and polished UI. In this task, I was able to review all components from a frontend and CSS perspective to ensure that positioning, shaping, styling, and formatting were done correctly.

  • I was able to edit the tasktab.js screen and the shoptab.js screen to make sure all components were styled correctly and appeared in a visually pleasing format.

  • I also was able to watch tutorials on how to implement animations from "Lottiefiles" by using the react Lottie View library to add a "confetti" animation to both files that would play when a user finishes a task and when a user redeems a reward.

5/1/2024 &at: 10:52 pm moved to Review

Add or delete tasks - delete button (visual) - Review

20 minutes

  • Looking over this task I can see a Red button when editing a task that will allow users to be able to delete a task. This task effectively accomplishes and achieves the acceptance criteria as the touchable opacity aspect of the button is displayed with proper styling.

5/2/2024 @ 2:33 pm moved to Done

Signed By: Leo Thomas, Evan Toomey, Vruj Patel

April 22, 2024 - April 28, 2024

Issues: There are no issues to report.

add or delete rewards - create new reward button - in progress

240 minutes

  • I followed the same setup style used for the task modal provider when implementing the shop modal provider. To keep things organized, I introduced a new file called reward.js, which separates the original rewards component from the modal.
  • Inside the ShopModalProvider.js file, I included all the necessary code for the modal, including the calculations for how often rewards appear and how many points they give.
  • Next, I integrated all the newly developed features into shoptab.js, allowing the shop screen to be fully functional within the app.js file.
  • To ensure everything was working smoothly, I created a debug branch. This allowed my team to assist in resolving any last-minute issues before merging the changes into the main branch.

4/29/2024 &at: 11:41 pm moved to Review.

App theme - nav bar icons - review

20 minutes

  • I looked over the code for the nav bar to make sure the stack navigator and tab navigator were implemented correctly without causing issues with the other codes in the app.js file.
  • Finally, I reviewed all styling for the navigator to ensure the look and design followed the user stories and acceptance criteria.

4/29/2024 &at: 11:49 pm moved to Done.

Sign Off: Evan Toomey, Leo Thomas, Vruj Patel

April 14, 2024 - April 21, 2024

30 mins

App Theme -

  • I modified the app theme in the app.js file and tasktab.js file to make some minor changes for app colors and themes @ 12:39

120 mins

App displays correctly - UI for editing task appears correctly - In Progress

  • I made many modifications to the tasktab.js file to be able to implement a modal for editing a task function. I was unfortunately not able to come to a final commit as many changes led to more bugs.

Signed by: Leo Thomas, Evan Toomey, Vruj Patel

April 8, 2024 - April 14, 2024

Activity Report Taqi Tahmid:

Issues: There are no issues to report

App displays correctly - UI for editing task appears correctly - In Progress

This week's task involved enhancing the styling and frontend of the app. I made improvements to the App.js file, introduced an edit.js file for task editing functionality, and made adjustments to the points and task tab files. These modifications resulted in a more visually appealing user interface with better color schemes. Additionally, I implemented touchable opacity and a modal to enable the opening of a separate window displaying all tasks. This sets the stage for adding functionality to edit and rearrange tasks in my upcoming tasks.

80 minutes

April 15 assigned and moved to In Progress @ 11:08 April 15 moved to Review @ 12: 28

Signed By: Evan Toomey, Leo Thomas, Vruj Patel

April 1, 2024 - April 7, 2024

Issues: Not able to consistently have points update

Activity Report: 45 minutes

App displays correctly - button updates points - In-Progress

As I continue to work on figuring out how to make live updates to the points display box for the app, I am trying multiple methods that I have researched online. Many lead to more bugs and issues, while some lead to progress. As the week ends, I still have not found a final solution to this issue, but I plan to continue working on it in the near future as our team starts this new sprint with new user stories and tasks. The main file that I have been making updates to is the APP.js file, where the styling and location for the points box are defined.

April 8 @ 10:00 am moved to in progress

Signed by: Evan Toomey, Leo Thomas, Vruj Patel

Week of March 4 to March 10, 2024

Issues: No issues to report

Activity Report:

480 minutes

Total Points displays correctly - To-Do

This task had a focus on creating a user-friendly design to make a location within the app where users could see their total points. Editing the app.js file I was able to import stylesheet, text, view, and touchable opacity to create the border, framing, and location for which I wanted to display the points. I was able to use a stylesheet to correct the position and dimensions of the box so that it would display in the most suitable spot in the top right corner of the app. After that, I was able to import and export the points variable from the tasktab.js file into the app.js file so that I could write a new function that would display the string "Points:" along with the numerical variable for how many points the user currently had that would also update live whenever changed based on the code for the points accumulation in tasktab.js. After that, I was successfully able to adjust the coloring and styling for the user and made sure the points were displayed correctly when a user turned a switch on and off.

March 10 @ 9:40 moved to done

Signed by: Evan Toomey, Vruj Patel, Leo Thomas

Week of February 26 to March 3, 2024

Issues: No issues to report

Activity Report:

80 minutes

Fix bugs, Total Points Correctly Display

After thorough testing of the app with Expo Go I was able to edit the app.js file and and expo folder to make sure no bugs would arise. I had my team members review the changes for me and then we moved the task to the done column. Now I have begun the new task of the Total points displaying correctly. This task should in the end accumulate the user's total points and display them in the box on the upper right of the app. The changes will be made in the app.js file within its designated branch of code.

March 3 @ 5:25 moved fix bugs to Done and, Total points to in progress

Signed by: Evan Toomey, Vruj Patel, Leo Thomas

February 19, 2024 - February 25, 2024

Issues: bugs in the main files

Activity Report:

60 mins

Fix bugs

During our process of developing the app, we were bound to run into some bugs and errors in our code. I took the time to review and modify the App.json files and the expo files to ensure two things. The first thing was to ensure our app would stay running and not crash when started. Second, I ensured that expo, our app's emulator, was working properly when entering commands such as npx start expo. I was able to modify and fix the expo files and partial code errors in the app.json file. Some specific errors in the file included assignment errors, errors with our point system, and errors with the structure of some functions.

February 24 at 4:40 moved to In progress

Signed By: Evan Toomey, Leo Thomas, Vruj Patel

Week of Feburary 5 to Feburary 11, 2024

Issues: No issues to report

Activity Report Week 5

60 minutes

Research tools - To-Do After choosing flutter our group decided to all take our own time to learn the skills and knowledge needed to begin the creation of an app using flutter.

Feburary 10 @ 3:20 moved to review

60 minutes

Signed by: Vruj patel

February 2, 2024 - February 5, 2023

Issues: No issues at this time as all members will be focusing on working on tasks.

Signed off by: Leo Thomas

Activity Report

User wants to be able to open up the app – Understand the tasks and requirements to start the creation of the app by choosing an open source framework, To Do

45 minutes

I researched different sources and tools people have used to successfully start creating an app to put on the app store.

February 3, 2024 & at; 8:40 pm moved to Review

Signed off by: Vruj Patel, Leo Thomas, Evan Toomey, Vruj Patel

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