A better and simpler Google Colab Python Script to Backup a GoIndex Repository
It can download the full index website or just a particular folder
Go to https://colab.research.google.com/github/TA40/GDIndex/blob/main/GDIndex.ipynb
Run first block
Replace the values of the following strings in the 2nd block: _goindex_url, _gdfolderid (Optional: http_auth, goindex_password)
_goindex_url: The URL of the GoIndex Folder
_gdfolderid: folder ID of the google drive folder
http_auth: Username and Password if http auth needed
goindex_password: Password for GoIndex if needed
Run 2nd block
It will ask you to login with your Google Account -> Click the link -> Copy and Paste the Authorization Code and press Enter
Press F12 -> Go to Console Tab -> Paste the following code -> Press Enter:
function ClickConnect(){
console.log("Clicked on connect button");