Facebook Chat (Messenger) for Python. This project was inspired by facebook-chat-api.
No XMPP or API key is needed. Just use your ID and PASSWORD.
$ pip install fbchat
import fbchat
client = fbchat.Client("YOUR_ID", "YOUR_PASSWORD")
friends = client.getUsers("FRIEND'S NAME") # return a list of names
friend = friends[0]
sent = client.send(friend.uid, "Your Message")
if sent:
print("Message sent successfully!")
client.sendLocalImage(friend.uid,message='<message text>',image='<path/to/image/file>') # send local image
imgurl = "http://i.imgur.com/LDQ2ITV.jpg"
client.sendRemoteImage(friend.uid,message='<message text>', image=imgurl) # send image from image url
friend1 = client.getUsers('<friend name 1>')[0]
friend2 = client.getUsers('<friend name 2>')[0]
friend1_info = client.getUserInfo(friend1.uid) # returns dict with details
both_info = client.getUserInfo(friend1.uid,friend2.uid) # query both together, returns list of dicts
friend1_name = friend1_info['name']
last_messages = client.getThreadInfo(friend.uid, last_n=20)
last_messages.reverse() # messages come in reversed order
for message in last_messages:
import fbchat
#subclass fbchat.Client and override required methods
class EchoBot(fbchat.Client):
def __init__(self,email, password, debug=True, user_agent=None):
fbchat.Client.__init__(self,email, password, debug, user_agent)
def on_message(self, mid, author_id, author_name, message, metadata):
self.markAsDelivered(author_id, mid) #mark delivered
self.markAsRead(author_id) #mark read
print("%s said: %s"%(author_id, message))
#if you are not the author, echo
if str(author_id) != str(self.uid):
bot = EchoBot("<email>", "<password>")
session_cookies = client.setSession()
# save session_cookies
client = fbchat.Client(None, None, session_cookies=session_cookies)
# OR
Taehoon Kim / @carpedm20