A simple random terrain generator using fastlem.
$ cargo build --release
The binary is generated in target/release/fastlem-random-terrain
. If you want to move it into current directory, run the following command.
$ mv target/release/fastlem-random-terrain .
$ docker build -t fastlem-random-terrain .
The image is generated as fastlem-random-terrain
. To run:
$ docker run -it fastlem-random-terrain fastlem-random-terrain
Command line options can be passed as follows:
$ docker run -it fastlem-random-terrain fastlem-random-terrain --help
$ fastlem-random-terrain --image-size 300:300
$ fastlem-random-terrain --colormap-json-filename default_color.json --image-size 300:300
$ fastlem-random-terrain --colormap-json-filename default_color.json --image-size 300:300 --seed 5000
$ fastlem-random-terrain --help
Usage: fastlem-random-terrain [OPTIONS]
-b, --bound <BOUND>
Width and height (width:height) of the bound [default: 100.0:100.0]
-c, --colormap-json-filename <COLORMAP_JSON_FILENAME>
JSON file of the colormap. If not specified, the grayscale colormap is used [default: ]
-s, --seed <SEED>
Seed of the noise generator [default: 0]
-i, --image-size <IMAGE_SIZE>
Width and height (width:height) of the image. If -1 is specified, the aspect ratio is the same as the bound [default: 1024:-1]
-o, --output-filename <OUTPUT_FILENAME>
File name of the output image [default: terrain]
-f, --output-format <OUTPUT_FORMAT>
Output format of the terrain data. Supported formats: png, jpeg, csv [default: png]
-p, --particle-num <PARTICLE_NUM>
Number of particles. The larger the value, the more the quality of the terrain is improved [default: 50000]
--erodibility-distribution-power <ERODIBILITY_DISTRIBUTION_POWER>
[advanced] Power of the erodibility distribution. The larger the value, the more the erodibility is concentrated on the lower side [default: 4.0]
--fault-scale <FAULT_SCALE>
[advanced] Scale of the fault. The larger the value, the more virtual faults effect the terrain [default: 35.0]
--land-ratio <LAND_RATIO>
[advanced] Approximate ratio of the land area (0.0-1.0) [default: 0.6]
[advanced] If true, the edge points of the terrain are always outlet and its elevation is fixed to 0
--global-max-slope <GLOBAL_MAX_SLOPE>
[advanced] Maximum slope angle of the terrain. The larger the value, the more the terrain is rough (radian, max: Pi/2) [default: 1.57]
-h, --help
Print help