A python mobile automation testing framework based on Appium
, Pytest
and Allure
- Appium 1.7 above
- Python 3.5.2
- Pytest 1.7.10
- Allure Framework 1.x
Automated trigger and close server
Command line trigger with on-demand argument
Display execution log and save in file
Generate clear HTML test report
Attached failure screenshot and log on test report
Reusable page object and common library
Support parallel testing (Android)
Prepare Android Studio, Appium test environment
Mac: http://blog.autoruby.com/2018/03/android-appium.html
Windows: http://blog.autoruby.com/2018/03/android-appium-windows.html
ttab (launch open terminal from script)
npm install -g ttab
pip3 install pytest
pip3 install pytest-allure-adaptor
brew tap qatools/formulas
Instal Allure Command Tool
brew install
Instal PyYaml
pip3 install PyYaml
Instal requests
pip3 install requests
Launch emulator or connect real device
Run command in terminal
pytest -v -s --device [
] [test file
] --tb=short --alluredir reportex. pytest -v -s --device AVD6.0 API_Demos.py --tb=short --alluredir report
This will connect to Android 6.0 emulator then trigger test script, generate test result in repport folder
Generate Allure test report
allure generate report/ -o report/html
This will generate test report in your project report/html folder
If you are using Pycharm, you can right click html/index.html to open it in browser
You can also change to report folder in terminal and run command
allure report open --report-dir ./html
Blog: http://blog.autoruby.com/
Email: [email protected]
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidtclin/