The assignment consist of a development of a package that interact with a simulation of a simple robot in Gazebo. The package contains three nodes:
- Node A: A node that implements an action client, allowing the user to set a target (x, y) or to cancel it. The node also publishes the robot position and velocity as a custom message (x,y, vel_x, vel_z), by relying on the values published on the topic /odom. Please consider that, if you cannot implement everything in the same node, you can also develop two different nodes, one implementing the user interface and one implementing the publisher of the custom message.
- Node B: A service node that, when called, prints the number of goals reached and cancelled.
- Node C: A node that subscribes to the robot’s position and velocity (using the custom message) and prints the distance of the robot from the target and the robot’s average speed. Use a parameter to set how fast the node publishes the information.
- Has also been implemented a .launch file that starts the whole simulation and the Noe A.
The launch file starts the simulator and the node in the same window so you can not correctly display the request for the location to be reached. Just press enter to have the request printed on the terminal again.
Documentation here:
Clone this project and the simulation repository( inside a ROS workspace. Before starting anything you have to run the master process of ROS
Then to start the simulation run the launch file
roslaunch Assignment_2 assignment_2.launch
To call process B or C:
rosrun Assignment_2
rosrun Assignment_2
Attention ! To run correctly the package's node rename the package "Assignment_2"
- Process A:
Initialize object Pose() and Twist()
global variable pub_info, target_reached, target_canceled, service, pub_target
function clbk_odom(CustomMessage: msg){
get from msg the position and velocity of the robot
then publish them to the custom message tag for
robot info
msg_info <- Info()
msg_info.x <- msg.x
msg_info.y <- msg.y
msg_info.vel_x <- msg.vx
msg_info.vel_y <- msg.vy
function getCordinatesFromConsole(){
print(Set a new target)
while True {
x <- print (x = )
y <- print (y = )
if x AND y are a proper numbers Then
exit from the while
return x, y
function ltk_tgt(double: x,double: y){
target <- Point()
target.x <- x
target.y <- y
target.z <- 0
function get_info_goal(CustomMessage: req){
response <- targetResponse(boudle: target_reached,double: target_canceled)
return response
#Initialization of elements
pose <- PoseStamped()
double: target_reached <- 0
double: target_canceled <- 0
init node A
client <- new SimpleActionClient on tag '/reaching_goal' using CustomMessage of assignment_2_2022.msg.PlanningAction
pub_info <- new publisher on '/bot_info' that use CustomMessage Info
pub_target <- new publisher on '/tgt' that use CustomMessage Point
sub_odom <- new subscriber of '\odom' with CusmoMessage Odometry
service <- new service of 'goal_info' with message targetwho that use a callback function = get_info_goal
while True {
p <- getCordinatesFromConsole()
pose.x = p[0];
pose.y = p[1];
pose.z = 0;
goal <- create a new goal with target_pose = pose
finished = False
print(Do you wanna cancel this target ? (Y/N))
while not finished {
res <- read from commandline
if res = 'Y' OR res = 'y' OR res = 'yes':
finished <- True
state <- client.get_state()
if(state != 1 and state != 0) Then
print("Targhet reachedd!)
finished <- True
state = client.get_state()
if(state = 2) Then
target_canceled <- target_canceled + 1
elif(state == 3) Then
target_reached <- target_reached + 1