Placing BEV Charging Infrastructure: Influencing Factors, Metrics, and their Influence on Observed Charger Utilization
This repository contains the open-source charging data sets belonging to our MPDI Journal Article "Placing BEV Charging Infrastructure: Influencing Factors, Metrics, and their Influence on Observed Charger Utilization".
- Researchgate:
Please consider the license information below.
The data sets distributed in this repository were derived from two open-source data sets: usage data of the "Stromnetz Hamburg" public charging stations and Open Street Map data extracts from Both data providers have their own licenses which allow us to redistribute their data in its original as well as in adapted, merged, and otherwise processed forms. Nevertheless please make sure to check the original licenses for both data sets below:
- "Elektro Ladestandorte Hamburg" | Provided by "Behörde für Verkehr und Mobilitätswende (BVM)" | Available through | License: dl-de/by-2-0 | License text:
- OpenStreetMap data export for Hamburg (hamburg-latest.osm.pbf) | Provided by based on data from OpenStreetMap Copyright Geofabrik GmbH and OpenStreetMap Contributors | Available through | License: Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) | License text:
Lennart Adenaw
Chair of Automotive Technology
Technical University of Munich
mail: [email protected]
Lennart Adenaw, Sebastian Krapf
Please also check the associated article available in the World Electric Vehicle Journal: