该协议可以用于从网页和第三方App拉起TokenPocket钱包做授权 转账等操作
This protocol can be used to call TokenPocket do some actions from page or app。
- 使用场景 (How to use)
- 通用操作 (Common APIs)
- MiniWallet 操作 (MiniWallet APIs)
- 1. 初始化sdk (Init SDK)
- 2. 设置blockchain 信息 (Set blockchain info)
- 3. 设置插件信息 (Set plugin info)
- 4. 设置seed (Set seed to protect data)
- 4. 修改seed (Modify seed)
- 5. 获取已授权账号信息 (Get authed accounts
- 6. 检查权限是否存在 (Check permission bind to account)
- 7. 检查权限是否link到action (Check actions bind to permission)
- 8. 清除本地授权 (clearAuth)
- Scheme:tpoutside://pull.activity?param={}
转账示例,其他操作类似(Token transfer demo)
<a href='tpoutside://pull.activity?param={"Protocol":"ScanProtocol","version":"v1.0","blockchain":"eos","from":"aaaaaa123451","to":"cbzfb4a5s5zv","amount":"0.0001","contract":"eosio.token","symbol":"EOS","precision":"4","action":"transfer","memo":"test transfer from page"}'>Open TokenPocket to transfer eos</a><br/>
第三方App可以拉起TokenPocket执行签名,转账等操作。TP sdk还支持MiniWallet,可以实现对于特定操作,第三方App不需要拉起钱包,直接在应用内部完成,体验更为流畅,具体使用请参照:https://github.com/TP-Lab/Mobile-SDK
Third-party apps can execute signatures, transfers, and etc actions by pull up the TokenPocket. TP SDK also support MiniWallet that can execute specific actions without leaving the app, which provides a better user experience. Please check it for the details:https://github.com/TP-Lab/Mobile-SDK
- Scheme:tpdapp://open?params={}
<a href='tpdapp://open?params={"url": "https://dapp.mytokenpocket.vip/referendum/index.html#/", "chain": "EOS", "source":"xxx"}'>Open url with TokenPocket</a>
- Parameters
protocol string //protocol name here is TokenPocket
version string // protocol version here is v1.0
dappName string // optional
dappIcon string // optional
blockchain string // wallet type(eos bos eth moac )
wallet string // account name
action string // neccessary here is login
actionId string // optional
callbackUrl string // optional
expired string //expire time in seconds
memo string // optional
- Success return data
"sign": "SIG_K1_KZL9eR4cCQCJHpYHbh44yGrDqu4w8hHzQwb1xTk4Mcd4czqpw4jJUgg9DnWXzE3r",
"timestamp": "1546613919", //in seconds
"wallet": "eoseoseosacc", //account name
"ref": "TokenPocket",
"actionId":"ljsdjljdljf-xjlsdjfkj" //actionId from dapp
"publickey": "EOS2TtWv19a9eYEQYB8NbGCM28nQNngWP4UcSjVYqtEz6kF7yCnPX",
"permissions": ["active", "owner"],
"result": 1
Cancel return data
"result": 0
- Parameters
protocol string //protocol name here is TokenPocket
version string // protocol version here is v1.0
dappName string // optional
dappIcon string // optional
action string // neccessary here is transfer
actionId string // optional
blockchain string //wallet type(eos bos eth moac )
from string // optional
to string // neccessary
amount number // neccessary
contract string // neccessary
symbol string // neccessary
precision number // neccessary
memo string //optional
expired string // expire time in seconds
- Success return data
"ref": "TokenPocket",
"txID": "588c6797534d09e8e0b149c06c11bfd6ca7b96f0d4bba87700fffe7a87b0d988",
"publickey": "EOSX1tWv19a9eKEQQB8Nb2wM28nYNngWP3UcSjVYqtjz6kF7yCnQ",
"actionId":"ljsdljf-xljlsdjfl" //from dapp
"wallet": "eoseoseostes",
"permissions": ["active", "owner"],
"result": 1
- Cancel return data
"actionId":"ljsdljf-xljlsdjfl" //from dapp
"result": 0
- Parameters
protocol string //protocol name here is TokenPocket
version string // protocol version here is v1.0
dappName string // optional
dappIcon string // optional
action string // neccessary here is pushTransaction
actionId string // optional
blockchain string //wallet type(eos bos eth moac )
actions string //actions data
memo string //optional
- Success return data
"ref": "TokenPocket",
"txID": "588c6797534d09e8e0b149c06c11bfd6ca7b96f0d4bba87700fffe7a87b0d988",
"publickey": "EOSX1tWv19a9eKEQQB8Nb2wM28nYNngWP3UcSjVYqtjz6kF7yCnQ",
"wallet": "eoseoseostes",
"permissions": ["active", "owner"],
"result": 1
- Cancel return data
"result": 0
only version 0.6.5 or higher support this api
- Parameters
protocol string //protocol name here is TokenPocket
version string // protocol version here is v1.0
dappName string // optional
dappIcon string // optional
action string // neccessary here is sign
actionId string // optional
blockchain string //wallet type(eos bos eth moac )
message string //message to sign
memo string //optional
- Success return data
"ref": "TokenPocket",
"sign": "SIG_K1_JXLSDFLJLSKDJFKJ", //signed data
"publickey": "EOSX1tWv19a9eKEQQB8Nb2wM28nYNngWP3UcSjVYqtjz6kF7yCnQ",
"wallet": "eoseoseostes",
"permissions": ["active", "owner"],
"result": 1
- Cancel return data
"result": 0
- Parameters
"url": "https://dapp.mytokenpocket.vip/referendum/index.html#/",
"chain": "EOS",
- Parameters
netType:NetTypeEnum 网络类型,包含主网和测试网(Nettype incluce mainnet and kyline jungle)
nodeUrl: string
- Parameters
pluginUrl: string sdk功能需要,app可以自己在节点上部署插件,或者使用官方地址 (Used by sdk. app can delpoy the plugin or just use TokenPocket office plugin url)
- Parameters
seed: string 非常重要,必须设置 (Very important, it is neccessary)
- Parameters
oldSeed: string
newSeed: string
account: string
perm: string
- Parameters
account: string
perm: string
actions: List<LinkAction> 需要检查的actions(The actions to be checked)
account: string 需要清除的账号 (Account to be clear)