This is a library for dealing with many-body Hamiltonians using algorithms based on variational matrix-product states (VMPS or MPS).
- ground states for one-dimensional chains (open and periodic boundary conditions)
- ground states for general geometries: ladders, molecules, 2D and 3D clusters
- infinite systems using the VUMPS (Variational Uniform Matrix-Product State) formalism
- Heisenberg, Hubbard and Kondo type models
- U(1), SU(2) [spin and charge], Z(N) symmetries
- time propagation using an adaptive TDVP (time-dependent variational principle) algorithm
- spectral functions using the Chebyshev polynomial expansion or time propagation
- finite-temperature properties (static and dynamic)
- C++, Eigen, Boost, GSL
Browse doxygen documentation to explore the interface and general documentation.
Roman Rausch, Matthias Peschke, Cassian Plorin
- Spin-spin correlations of the Heisenberg model on the C60 fullerene geometry
- Incommensurate correlations in the FM-AFM sawtooth chain
- Even-odd mass differences in Pb isotopes
- Four-electron bound state ("quadruplon") in the two-hole spectral function of the Hubbard model