This repository contains code I wrote as part of my work on a project studying multilingualism using Twitter data. It is part of my PhD at the IFISC, under the supervision of José Javier Ramasco and David Sanchez. The code is used to analyse geo-tagged tweets sent within a set of multilingual countries, which were acquired over the years by the IFISC' data engineer, Antonia Tugores, using the streaming endpoint of the Twitter API. We attributed one or more languages to users, and a cell of residence, among the cells we define on a regular grid covering each region of interest. We visualise and then analyse the distributions of local languages using a set of metrics. The end goal is to assess the existing models of language competition.
Raw data (which I cannot give access to for privacy reasons) are processed in
, which return the counts of speakers
by language and by cell of residence, available on
These can then be analysed in notebooks/1.2.mixing_metrics_tests.ipynb
Instead of delving into details here, I recommend you have a look at the article published in Physical Review Research, also available on arXiv.
├── <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── Makefile <- Makefile to setup the project
├── .env (x) <- File containing environment variables loaded with dotenv
├── environment.yml <- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment with conda
├── requirements.txt <- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment with pip
├── requirements_geo.txt <- The requirements file for geographical packages, which may require
| prior manual steps
├── data (x)
│ ├── external <- Data from third party sources.
│ ├── interim <- Intermediate data that has been transformed.
│ ├── processed <- The final, canonical data sets for modelling.
│ └── raw <- The original, immutable data dump.
├── notebooks <- Jupyter notebooks.
├── references <- Data dictionaries, manuals, and all other explanatory materials.
├── reports <- Generated analysis as HTML, PDF, LaTeX, etc.
│ └── figures <- Generated graphics and figures to be used in reporting
├── src <- Source code for use in this project.
│ ├── <- Makes src a Python module
│ │
│ ├── data <- Scripts to pre-process data
│ │
│ ├── models <- Scripts to simulate the models
│ │
│ ├── utils <- Utility scripts
│ │
│ └── visualization <- Scripts to create exploratory and results oriented visualizations
└── <- Makes project pip installable (pip install -e .) so src can be imported
(x) means they're excluded from version control.
module inter-dependencies (generated with pydeps
To avoid sharing private data, like the contents of tweets for instance, we
filter out the notebooks' outputs by adding a .gitattributes
file in
, which calls a filter defined in .git/config
by the following
[filter "strip-notebook-output"]
clean = "jupyter nbconvert --ClearOutputPreprocessor.enabled=True --to=notebook --stdin --stdout --log-level=ERROR"
In a terminal, navigate to this directory and simply run make
If you have conda
installed, you should have seen
>>> Detected conda, creating conda environment.
popping up in your terminal,
if that's the case you should be good to go!
Otherwise, your environment will be built with pip
in a directory called
All "classic" dependencies have already been installed with
pip install -r requirements.txt
To install pycld3
, you'll need to follow the instructions from there: Windows doesn't seem to be supported
for now.
Then for geopandas
and its dependencies, it's a bit more complicated, and it depends on your platform.
The problem here is to install rtree
, and in particular its C dependency
. There are two solutions to this.
- The first solution just takes one more command, but installs
system-wide. You simply do
sudo apt-get install python3-rtree
pip3 install -r requirements_geo.txt
- The second is the most flexible, as it allows to install
in your environment, and to installlibspatialindex
without root privileges. You first installlibspatialindex
in your local user directory
curl -L | tar xz
cd spatialindex-src-1.8.5
./configure --prefix=/home/<username>/<dir>
make install
You then add
as an
environment variable (in .profile
for instance), and then in your virtual
environment you can just
pip3 install -r requirements_geo.txt
Download the wheels of GDAL
, Rtree
, Fiona
and Shapely
from (only the win32 versions work).
Install them manually with pip
pip install <path to the .whl file>
in this order:
- Rtree
- Fiona
- Shapely
Then pip install geopandas
should work!
Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience