. Use several slices . Use firebase as your backend / database . Use Redux/toolkit . Add routing.
The landing page should have a header with a title and a login form after clicking on the login button log the user to the system
First display all the product (from firebase), also update the header with links (products, about contact, logout – these links are only visible for a logged in user)
On logout take the user back to the landing page.
Be able to add a product (name, description, price, and image URL, discount rate), data should be sent to firebase.
Be able to add a product to the cart, on add again increase the quantity
Be able to calculate the total amount of items in cart
Be able to reduce the quantity of an item in cart if quantity is greater than one else if one removes it from cart.
Be able to remove an item
Complete the work by Friday 11:00 A.M submit a link (make sure its completed and submitted)
Use redux toolkit to manage all the state in your application
Work on a great user Interface
Use custom CSS no libraries
Add at least four hooks
Add validation to Add product form (don’t use required)