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Merge pull request #4 from aviatesk/avi/port
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fix performance problem in bootstrapping
  • Loading branch information
TH3CHARLie authored Aug 5, 2021
2 parents 17d1ccc + 93d7dd2 commit 3521979
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Showing 4 changed files with 339 additions and 308 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions base/compiler/bootstrap.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ let fs = Any[typeinf_ext, typeinf, typeinf_edge, pure_eval_call, run_passes],
println(stderr, "WARNING: tfunc missing for ", reinterpret(IntrinsicFunction, Int32(i)))
# bootstraps for escape analysis
# NOTE make sure we first infer `find_escapes!`, which seems to be costly when run in interpreter,
# otherwise the bootstrap of `typeinf_ext` can be really slow
pushfirst!(fs, EscapeAnalysis.find_escapes!, EscapeAnalysis.escape_builtin!)
for f in fs
for m in _methods_by_ftype(Tuple{typeof(f), Vararg{Any}}, 10, typemax(UInt))
# remove any TypeVars from the intersection
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331 changes: 331 additions & 0 deletions base/compiler/escape.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
module EscapeAnalysis

export find_escapes!

import Core:
SimpleVector, GotoNode, GotoIfNot, Argument, IntrinsicFunction, Const, sizeof

import ..Compiler:
Vector, IdDict, MethodInstance, IRCode, SSAValue, PiNode, PhiNode,
PhiCNode, UpsilonNode, ReturnNode, IR_FLAG_EFFECT_FREE,
==, !, !==, !=, , :, , &, |, +, -, *, <, <<,
isbitstype, ismutabletype, widenconst, argextype, argtype_to_function, isexpr,
is_meta_expr_head, copy, zip, empty!, length, get, first, isassigned, push!, isempty,
@assert, @nospecialize

isnothing(x) = x === nothing

abstract type EscapeInformation end

struct NoInformation <: EscapeInformation end
struct NoEscape <: EscapeInformation end
struct ReturnEscape <: EscapeInformation end
struct Escape <: EscapeInformation end

==(x::EscapeInformation, y::EscapeInformation) = x === y

(x::EscapeInformation, y::EscapeInformation) = x === y
(::Escape, ::EscapeInformation) = true
(::EscapeInformation, ::NoInformation) = true
(::Escape, ::NoInformation) = true # avoid ambiguity
(::ReturnEscape, ::NoEscape) = true

(x::EscapeInformation, y::EscapeInformation) = xy ? y : yx ? x : NoInformation()
(x::EscapeInformation, y::EscapeInformation) = xy ? x : yx ? y : Escape()

# extend lattices of escape information to lattices of mappings of arguments and SSA stmts to escape information
# ⊓ and ⊔ operate pair-wise, and from there we can just rely on the Base implementation for dictionary equality comparison
struct EscapeState
function EscapeState(nslots::Int, nargs::Int, nstmts::Int)
arguments = EscapeInformation[
i nargs ? ReturnEscape() : NoEscape() for i in 1:nslots]
ssavalues = EscapeInformation[NoInformation() for _ in 1:nstmts]
return EscapeState(arguments, ssavalues)
copy(s::EscapeState) = EscapeState(copy(s.arguments), copy(s.ssavalues))

(X::EscapeState, Y::EscapeState) = EscapeState(
EscapeInformation[x y for (x, y) in zip(X.arguments, Y.arguments)],
EscapeInformation[x y for (x, y) in zip(X.ssavalues, Y.ssavalues)])
(X::EscapeState, Y::EscapeState) = EscapeState(
EscapeInformation[x y for (x, y) in zip(X.arguments, Y.arguments)],
EscapeInformation[x y for (x, y) in zip(X.ssavalues, Y.ssavalues)])
==(X::EscapeState, Y::EscapeState) = X.arguments == Y.arguments && X.ssavalues == Y.ssavalues

# const GLOBAL_ESCAPE_CACHE = IdDict{MethodInstance,EscapeState}()
# __clear_escape_cache!() = empty!(GLOBAL_ESCAPE_CACHE)

# An escape analysis implementation based on the algorithm described in the paper [MM02].
# The analysis works on the lattice of `EscapeInformation` and transitions lattice elements
# from the top to the bottom in a backward way, i.e. data flows from usage cites to definitions.
# [MM02] A Graph-Free approach to Data-Flow Analysis.
# Markas Mohnen, 2002, April.

const Changes = Vector{Tuple{Any,EscapeInformation}}
const IR_FLAG_NO_ESCAPE = 0x01 << 5

# - implement more builtin handling
# - (related to above) do alias analysis to some extent
# - maybe flow-sensitivity (with sparse analysis state)
function find_escapes!(ir::IRCode, nargs::Int)
(; stmts, sptypes, argtypes) = ir
nstmts = length(stmts)
state = EscapeState(length(ir.argtypes), nargs, nstmts) # flow-insensitive, only manage a single state

# if length(argtypes) ≠ 0
# Core.println("analyzing... ", argtypes[1], " ", length(argtypes), " ", nstmts)
# end
while true
local anyupdate = false
local changes = Changes()

for pc in nstmts:-1:1
stmt = stmts.inst[pc]

# inliner already computed effect-freeness of this statement (whether it may throw or not)
# and if it may throw, we conservatively escape all the arguments
is_effect_free = stmts.flag[pc] & IR_FLAG_EFFECT_FREE 0

# collect escape information
if isa(stmt, Expr)
head = stmt.head
if head === :call # TODO implement more builtins, make them more accurate
if !is_effect_free
# TODO we can have a look at builtins.c and limit the escaped arguments if any of them are not captured in the thrown exception
add_changes!(stmt.args[2:end], ir, Escape(), changes)
escape_call!(stmt.args, pc, state, ir, changes) || continue
elseif head === :invoke
# linfo = first(stmt.args)
# escapes_for_call = get(GLOBAL_ESCAPE_CACHE, linfo, nothing)
# if isnothing(escapes_for_call)
# TODO: (Xuanda) fix call cache
add_changes!(stmt.args[3:end], ir, Escape(), changes)
# else
# for (arg, info) in zip(stmt.args[2:end], escapes_for_call.arguments)
# if info === ReturnEscape()
# info = NoEscape()
# end
# push!(changes, (arg, info))
# end
# end
# elseif head === :invoke
# linfo = first(stmt.args)
# escapes_for_call = get(GLOBAL_ESCAPE_CACHE, linfo, nothing)
# if isnothing(escapes_for_call)
# add_changes!(stmt.args[3:end], ir, Escape(), changes)
# else
# for (arg, info) in zip(stmt.args[2:end], escapes_for_call.arguments)
# if info === ReturnEscape()
# info = NoEscape()
# end
# push!(changes, (arg, info))
# end
# end
elseif head === :new
info = state.ssavalues[pc]
info === NoInformation() && (info = NoEscape())
for arg in stmt.args[2:end]
push!(changes, (arg, info))
push!(changes, (SSAValue(pc), info)) # we will be interested in if this allocation is not escape or not
elseif head === :splatnew
info = state.ssavalues[pc]
info === NoInformation() && (info = NoEscape())
# splatnew passes field values using a single tuple (args[2])
push!(changes, (stmt.args[2], info))
push!(changes, (SSAValue(pc), info)) # we will be interested in if this allocation is not escape or not
elseif head === :(=)
lhs, rhs = stmt.args
if isa(lhs, GlobalRef)
add_change!(rhs, ir, Escape(), changes)
elseif head === :cfunction
# for :cfunction we conservatively escapes all its arguments
add_changes!(stmt.args, ir, Escape(), changes)
elseif head === :foreigncall
# for foreigncall we simply escape every argument (args[6:length(args[3])])
# and its name (args[1])
# TODO: we can apply similar strategy like builtin calls
# to specialize some foreigncalls
foreigncall_nargs = length((stmt.args[3])::SimpleVector)
push!(changes, (stmt.args[1], Escape()))
add_changes!(stmt.args[6:5+foreigncall_nargs], ir, Escape(), changes)
elseif is_meta_expr_head(head)
elseif head === :static_parameter
# static_parameter reference static parameter using index
elseif head === :copyast
# copyast simply copies a surface syntax AST
elseif head === :undefcheck
# undefcheck is temporarily inserted by compiler
# it will be processd be later pass so it won't change any of escape states
elseif head === :throw_undef_if_not
# conservatively escapes the val argument (argument[1])
add_change!(stmt.args[1], ir, Escape(), changes)
elseif head === :the_exception
elseif head === :isdefined
elseif head === :enter || head === :leave || head === :pop_exception
elseif head === :gc_preserve_begin || head === :gc_preserve_end
else # TODO: this is too conservative
add_changes!(stmt.args, ir, Escape(), changes)
elseif isa(stmt, PiNode)
if isdefined(stmt, :val)
info = state.ssavalues[pc]
push!(changes, (stmt.val, info))
elseif isa(stmt, PhiNode)
info = state.ssavalues[pc]
values = stmt.values
for i in 1:length(values)
if isassigned(values, i)
push!(changes, (values[i], info))
elseif isa(stmt, PhiCNode)
info = state.ssavalues[pc]
values = stmt.values
for i in 1:length(values)
if isassigned(values, i)
push!(changes, (values[i], info))
elseif isa(stmt, UpsilonNode)
if isdefined(stmt, :val)
info = state.ssavalues[pc]
push!(changes, (stmt.val, info))
elseif isa(stmt, ReturnNode)
if isdefined(stmt, :val)
add_change!(stmt.val, ir, ReturnEscape(), changes)
@assert stmt isa GotoNode || stmt isa GotoIfNot || stmt isa GlobalRef || isnothing(stmt) # TODO remove me

isempty(changes) && continue

# propagate changes
new = copy(state)
for (x, info) in changes
if isa(x, Argument)
new.arguments[x.n] = new.arguments[x.n] info
elseif isa(x, SSAValue)
new.ssavalues[] = new.ssavalues[] info

# convergence check and worklist update
if new state
state = new

anyupdate |= true

anyupdate || break

for pc in 1:nstmts
# heap-to-stack optimization are carried for heap-allocated objects that are not escaped
if isexpr(stmts.inst[pc], :new) && ismutabletype(widenconst(stmts.type[pc])) && state.ssavalues[pc] === NoEscape()
stmts.flag[pc] |= IR_FLAG_NO_ESCAPE

return state

function add_changes!(args::Vector{Any}, ir::IRCode, @nospecialize(info::EscapeInformation), changes::Changes)
for x in args
add_change!(x, ir, info, changes)

function add_change!(@nospecialize(x), ir::IRCode, @nospecialize(info::EscapeInformation), changes::Changes)
if !isbitstype(widenconst(argextype(x, ir, ir.sptypes, ir.argtypes)))
push!(changes, (x, info))

function escape_call!(args::Vector{Any}, pc::Int, state::EscapeState, ir::IRCode, changes::Changes)
ft = argextype(first(args), ir, ir.sptypes, ir.argtypes)
f = argtype_to_function(ft)
if isa(f, Core.IntrinsicFunction)
ishandled = nothing # XXX we may break soundness here, e.g. `pointerref`
ishandled = escape_builtin!(f, args, pc, state, ir, changes)::Union{Nothing,Bool}
isnothing(ishandled) && return false # nothing to propagate
if !ishandled
# if this call hasn't been handled by any of pre-defined handlers,
# we escape this call conservatively
add_changes!(args[2:end], ir, Escape(), changes)
return true

escape_builtin!(@nospecialize(f), _...) = return false

escape_builtin!(::typeof(isa), _...) = return nothing
escape_builtin!(::typeof(typeof), _...) = return nothing
escape_builtin!(::typeof(Core.sizeof), _...) = return nothing
escape_builtin!(::typeof(===), _...) = return nothing

function escape_builtin!(::typeof(ifelse), args::Vector{Any}, pc::Int, state::EscapeState, ir::IRCode, changes::Changes)
length(args) == 4 || return false
f, cond, th, el = args
info = state.ssavalues[pc]
condt = argextype(cond, ir, ir.sptypes, ir.argtypes)
if isa(condt, Const) && isa(condt.val, Bool)
if condt.val
push!(changes, (th, info))
push!(changes, (el, info))
push!(changes, (th, info))
push!(changes, (el, info))
return true

function escape_builtin!(::typeof(tuple), args::Vector{Any}, pc::Int, state::EscapeState, ir::IRCode, changes::Changes)
info = state.ssavalues[pc]
info === NoInformation() && (info = NoEscape())
# TODO: we may want to remove this check when we implement the alias analysis
add_changes!(args[2:end], ir, info, changes)
return true

# TODO don't propagate escape information to the 1st argument, but propagate information to aliased field
function escape_builtin!(::typeof(getfield), args::Vector{Any}, pc::Int, state::EscapeState, ir::IRCode, changes::Changes)
info = state.ssavalues[pc]
info === NoInformation() && (info = NoEscape())
rt = widenconst(ir.stmts.type[pc])
# Only propagate info when the field itself is non-bitstype
# TODO: we may want to remove this check when we implement the alias analysis
if !isbitstype(rt)
add_changes!(args[2:end], ir, info, changes)
return true

end # module EscapeAnalysis
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion base/compiler/optimize.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -290,6 +290,9 @@ function optimize(interp::AbstractInterpreter, opt::OptimizationState, params::O
finish(interp, opt, params, ir, result)

using .EscapeAnalysis

function run_passes(ci::CodeInfo, sv::OptimizationState)
preserve_coverage = coverage_enabled(sv.mod)
ir = convert_to_ircode(ci, copy_exprargs(ci.code), preserve_coverage, sv)
Expand All @@ -302,7 +305,7 @@ function run_passes(ci::CodeInfo, sv::OptimizationState)
ir = compact!(ir)
svdef = sv.linfo.def
nargs = isa(svdef, Method) ? Int(svdef.nargs) : 0
ir, escapes = find_escapes!(ir, nargs+1)
find_escapes!(ir, nargs+1) ("before_sroa", ir)
@timeit "SROA" ir = getfield_elim_pass!(ir) ir.new_nodes
Expand Down

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